You look how you look

I eat like a caveman.

I'm trying not to change.

I'm sorry, I just did a shot

I've never considered failure.

I want people to have less me.

Sometimes I feel like a vampire

I'm dead sober. This is just me.

Why can't I say anything normal?

I need to just find my own peace.

What does it say, 'I beat Meryl.'

Well, at least I had on underwear

I want a pizza with my face on it.

We hould totally make out right now

My breasts have a life of their own.

Being inappropriate comes easy to me.

Without my family, I would be nothing.

It's better to look strong and healthy.

When people get more me, they'll hate me.

I am the biggest "but why?" question asker.

Did I feel naked being naked? Yeah. Totally.

Eating is one of my favorite parts of the day

I've always loved food too much to be a model.

I'm excited to be seen as sexy. But not slutty.

A bad word that I can't say that starts with f.

I love Photoshop more than anything in the world!

My career is one thing in my life that I don't plan.

I was going to come in and push you down the stairs.

I don't trust a girl who doesn't have any girlfriends.

I was having chest pains. Photoshop made it glamorous.

Be strong. Don't be a follower. Always do the right thing.

Why would I ever get cocky? I'm not saving anybody's life.

I went through a wood-chopping phase when I was nine or 10.

All I need in a relationship is somebody to watch TV with me.

You don't go your whole life without laughing. It's just life.

I have the street smarts and survival skills of, like, a poodle.

I’d rather look chubby on screen and like a person in real life.

You're not gonna give somebody more money if they don't ask for it.

Anytime you're away from your home filming, it messes with your head.

Across all fields, women are generally paid 21 percent less than men.

You guys are just standing up because I fell, and it's so embarrassing.

I don't like going out that much. When I'm out, I think about my couch.

If I don't have anything to do all day, I might not even put my pants on.

This isn't like an auction, right? You guys aren't going to take it away?

I wanted to be a doctor when I was little, so I'm okay with blood and guts.

Why would people have confidence in a female director when there are so few?

Even as far back as when I started acting at 14, I never considered failure.

The internet to me is kind of like a black hole, and I never really go on it.

I started to write an apology, but I don't have anything to say I'm sorry for.

I want to sit on my couch and drink and not change my pants for days at a time.

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