Romantic comedies are there to give us dreams and butterflies, but what we can create in our own lives could be not only better but real.

I'd like to do 'My Best Friend's Wedding,' 'Pretty Woman,' Meg Ryan type stuff. Romantic comedies. I'd love to do some action stuff as well.

This is embarrassing and personal, but once a month, since I was twelve years old, I go to my favorite jewelry store and try on my dream ring.

Ive always wanted to be a mom. I had a great relationship with mine. Im ready to pass on to my child all the great love that my mom had for me.

I do love Italian food. Any kind of pasta or pizza. My new pig out food is Indian food. I eat Indian food like three times a week. It's so good.

I would definitely say that I am a very big movie musical fan in general and I try to see every one that I possibly can - and 'Glee' every week.

I've always wanted to be a mom. I had a great relationship with mine. I'm ready to pass on to my child all the great love that my mom had for me.

I would definitely say that I am a very big movie musical fan in general, and I try to see every one that I possibly can - and 'Glee' every week.

Sometimes it's the toughest moments that you learn the most about yourself, and the more you know yourself, the less you are willing to give away.

I don't consider stardom to be anything related with me. I hope that the only way this business will ever change me will be (giving me) a good life.

Any time you do a project you never really know how people are going to take it especially on TV. I think they used to be more forgiving with shows.

I want to play Wonder Woman really badly. I want them to make the movie of Wonder Woman, and I want to play Wonder Woman so bad. Thatd be really fun.

I want to be an independent woman who falls in love, finds a great partner for her lifetime, has kids and kind of does it all. I'd like to have it all.

I want to play Wonder Woman really badly. I want them to make the movie of 'Wonder Woman', and I want to play Wonder Woman so bad. That'd be really fun.

I do find that as a curvy girl, as I guess I've sort of been deemed, I don't think you want to run your curves off, because then you're just not yourself.

And as a woman on television, I actually feel like you're more representative of women if you're - if you've got curves and if everything isn't super tight.

Never in my life have I been captivated by by anybody onscreen the way I was when I saw Audrey Hepburn for the first time. She's everything a woman should be.

'The Client List' is my baby. I always tell people, 'It took nine months to put this project together because it is my baby.' And, it really did take that long!

I'd want to have Gisele Bundchen's body. Even though she's tall and skinny, she does have curves... and I think that's hot. Halle Berry also is kind of amazing.

I think we are ready to know that there are going to be people who are ready to save the world, who come out when you're in trouble and make sure that you're okay.

I love that whole princess mentality, but I also like throwing my hair in a ponytail and just wearing jeans, going on a hike and then eating a big chili-cheesebur ger.

I'm a hopeless romantic. It's disgusting. It really is. I've seen 'While You Were Sleeping', like, twenty times, and I still believe in the whole Prince Charming thing.

We have to be very careful about what we say out there to the masses in the entertainment industry because people are listening to every word, and they take it to heart.

I'm a hopeless romantic, and very much the person in a relationship to go: If things are going well, I'll buy the flowers, remember the dates of things, plan fun nights out.

I'm a pretty bad liar, and I'm not very good at keeping secrets. I'm one of those people who is like, "Let me tell you what happened today. You're never going to believe it!"

I like cats. I used to have a lot of cats, but I don't anymore, now I just have a dog. It does take a certain temperament to have a cat, as they do have certain personalities.

What a woman should know -When to just let him zone out on video games, his computer, or phone. -When to let him control the day or situation. -When to just shut up and kiss him.

Acting is a very important thing for me, and I love doing it. But when I'm acting, I spend 14 hours a day and months a time being someone else. When I'm singing, I just get to be me.

When I meet young girls, Im always like, Just do me one favour. Love what you look like right now - and remember I said it 10 years from now because its the greatest gift I can give.

When I meet young girls, I'm always like, 'Just do me one favour. Love what you look like right now - and remember I said it 10 years from now because it's the greatest gift I can give.'

I'm a hopeless romantic. I love love. My middle name is Love. Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday. I want to have a family and children. I am a sucker for every romantic comedy that comes out.

In the morning, before I leave the house, I say five things I love about myself, like 'You have really pretty eyes.' That way I can go out into the world with that little bit of extra confidence.

There is not a girl in the world who`s not Team Edward! Have you met girls who are not Team Edward? Well, they are not girls! They`re aliens from another planet who should not be allowed to exist

I think I'm a really good girlfriend, and I think that I could be a really good wife. I know that I love being able to give my love out to someone. I know there is somebody great out there for me.

I've always wanted to be a mom because I want to give a kid all of the magical gifts my mom gave to me, such as love and friendship. She and I had this incredible connection that was so unbelievable.

I carry McCormick’s Pure Vanilla [in my purse] — the baking kind — and dab it on my neck… Men are attracted to the scent! One time, I put it on and four different guys were like, ‘You smell amazing!’

My body is far from a wonderland. My body is more like a pawnshop. There's a lot of interesting things put together, and if you look closely you'd probably be excited, but at first glance, not so much.

My time on TV has been awesome; between 'Party Of Five' and 'Ghost Whisperer,' I've been severely lucky in great long runs on TV series that were attached to the heart and got into the audiences' hearts.

I'm not into 'Let's go out with one guy on a Monday and another guy on a Wednesday' - that's just not me. I'm a relationship kind of girl. I like a twosome. Some people get excited about being single. I don't.

I'm very caring with animals. I think patience is a big deal, because animals are always jumping around. I love to take care of people, so I think I'd be a good vet. I always wanted to be a vet when I was little.

We originally developed 'The Client List' along with Lifetime as a TV movie - my manager and I became partners on the project. Then, we brought in Howard Braunstein on the project and produced it along with Lifetime.

It might sound so stupid, but guys do not hit on me. I'm not really sure why, but it's very rare that a guy will ever come up to me and be like, 'I'm going to lay down my game right now, and you're going to like it.'

Sometimes I feel like the best role models and the people you should look up to most are the people who make mistakes because they show you how to overcome them and walk through that mistake with integrity and grace.

If Party of Five hadnt done well, it would have been a bunch of names involved in the demise. But if Time of Your Life doesnt do well, it will be my name. You have to prepare for the worst. This is a very fickle business.

Elizabeth Taylor taught me that if you do your hair and makeup first then take a hot bath right before you leave, it brings out your inner glow and takes away the powdery look from makeup. I do that right before every date.

If 'Party of Five' hadn't done well, it would have been a bunch of names involved in the demise. But if 'Time of Your Life' doesn't do well, it will be my name. You have to prepare for the worst. This is a very fickle business.

Magazines and opinions of you and stuff like that, those will change, but your opinion of yourself does not have to based on what other people say. So I just learned that my inner voice has to be louder than their outside voice.

Television, for me, is great because I love to act, every day. I love to work that muscle. I love to learn, and I love to be able to just do what I love. It's when I'm at my best. So, I love TV for that reason because it's every day.

I never really thought about being a role model. I started really young, so at 10 years old, I was still very much the person who needed role models. I wasn't really prepared to be one, but it's always something that I've taken very seriously.

I've literally, in my entire life I've had two guys come up to me and ask me out. Other than that I have had to go and try to like spend time with them, or sort of start the conversation, basically like spell it out in a Sharpie, like, you know?

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