Follow your foot steps.

I'm a total junk food-er.

No need for words, it's all been said.

If you can't laugh, you won't make it.

My greatest fear is speaking in public.

One day you retire, and you get a social life.

Remember, your body is a temple, not a 7-Eleven.

I just try to feel good in my own skin as much as I can.

I've actually worked out more pregnant than when I wasn't.

Coldplay I really like a lot. David Grey, I'm obsessed with.

Harry taught me that death isn't the end, it's the beginning.

I'm a pretty bad liar, and I'm not very good at keeping secrets.

If we wear our worst reviews like a backpack, they travel with us.

I don't want to ever, ever do something in life that isn't fun. Ever.

Music for me has always been something that is directly connected to my heart.

I love the Victoria's Secret Angels. They're sort of my gorgeous glamour heroes.

Dating has taught me what I want and don't want, who I am, and who I want to be.

A world without men would consists of a bunch of fat, happy women with no crime.

Probably my biggest challenge is not eating all the food that I want to eat sometimes.

The ultimate dream in life is to be able to do what you love and learn something from it.

I'm actually scared of horror movies. I'm kind of Scaredy Cat when it comes to that stuff.

Films are amazing. To be a part of a movie is the greatest. It's so historic and exciting.

To all girls with butts, boobs, hips and a waist, put on a bikini - put it on and stay strong.

I think more dating stuff is scheduling. It's needing people who understand your work schedule.

I did see LES MIZ and I thought it was just incredible. Totally incredible. I love CHICAGO, too.

I wouldn't have done nudity, no. That's not something that I feel particularly comfortable with.

I would just love once to be called sexy. Just because it would make me something other than cute.

We've all got troubles. We all make mistakes. But let's not take a little river turn it into lake.

I think that it's sexier not to show everything. I feel that people's imaginations can do way more.

A role model is an imperfect person, not a perfect person, because that's who we are as real people.

I did see 'Les Miz' and I thought it was just incredible. Totally incredible. I love 'Chicago,' too.

You are the only person who can sell you, so you do spend a lot of time in your job by yourself everyday.

I’m not into ‘Let’s go out with one guy on a Monday and another guy on a Wednesday’ – that’s just not me.

I'm not into 'Let's go out with one guy on a Monday and another guy on a Wednesday' - that's just not me.

I love to take care of people, so I think I'd be a good vet. I always wanted to be a vet when I was little.

The fun part of being a girl is that there are little beauty things you can do to make yourself feel special.

I feel like, as women and men and people on the planet, you just have to do the best with what life gives you.

I watch 'The Voice' and 'American Idol,' and I sit in my Brookstone foot massager. It's so exciting at my house.

I watch America's Next Top Model in the gym and go, 'If I stay an extra 15 minutes, I will look like that girl!'

I think I learned a really important lesson, as an actress, that hair and make-up is great, but the lack of it is better.

Most of the time I'm in khakis and a white T-shirt. I'm a total Gap girl. Super casual, hair in a pony tail and no makeup.

Most of the time, I'm in khakis and a white T-shirt. I'm a total Gap girl. Super casual, hair in a pony tail and no makeup.

To set the record straight, I’m not upset for me, but for all the girls out there that are struggling with their body image.

You can allow yourself 72 hours of wallowing time. Then you've got to get into the gym, stop eating the ice cream and move on.

I think people are just intrigued with the supernatural. I mean, I know that I am. It's something that I find very interesting.

I've always wanted to be a mom. Because I want to give a kid all of the magical gifts my mom gave me, such as love and friendship.

Obviously, I got very lucky that even though I lost my mother, I lost her later in life, but it's still had a profound effect on me.

My greatest fear is speaking in public. You meet, like, um, people who just concentrate on me. I'd rather not have everyone focus on me.

New clothes are a great way to deal after a breakup. A good mix CD also helps you get through it and... you know, 72 hours of ice cream.

If you walk out of the house and think you feel great, or if someone tells you that you look amazing, believe it and just say thank you.

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