Any surplus is immoral.

Protect me from what I want.

Stupid people shouldn’t breed.

A sense of duty imprisons you.

Expressing anger is necessary.

Lack of charisma can be fatal.

Boredom makes you do crazy things

A name means a lot just by itself.

Raise boys and girls the same way.

Abuse of power comes as no surprise

Ensure that your life stays in flux.

Drama often obscures the real issues

Everyone's work is equally important.

Sloppy thinking gets worse over time.

A lot of professionals are crackpots.

A little knowledge can go a long way.

I try to excite myself so I stay crazy.

All things are delicately interconnected.

A sense of timing is the mark of a genius.

What urge will save us now that sex won't?

You are a victim of the rules you live by.

Expiring for love is beautiful but stupid.

Going with the flow is soothing but risky.

The most profound things are inexpressible.

Remember you always have freedom of choice.

Knowing yourself lets you understand others.

Romantic love was invented to manipulate women

Faithfulness is a social not a biological law.

Anger or hate can be a useful motivating force

Exceptional people deserve special concessions.

On the worst days, I don't feel like an artist.

Turn soft and lovely any time you have a chance

It's fun wandering around other people's minds.

I am not free because I can be exploded anytime.

Turn soft and lovely anytime you have the chance.

Hands on your breast can keep your heart beating.

Being happy is more important than anything else.

Alienation produces eccentrics or revolutionaries.

Someone else's body is a place for your mind to go.

Killing is unavoidable but is nothing to be proud of

Being alone with yourself is increasingly unpopular.

Deviants are sacrificed to increase group solidarity

It's better to be a good person than a famous person.

Disgust is the appropriate response to most situations

Use what is dominant in a culture to change it quickly.

I suspect you've noticed that making art can be lonely.

If you have many desires your life will be interesting.

Enjoy yourself because you can't change anything anyway

There's a fine line between information and propaganda.

Savor kindness because cruelty is always possible later.

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