I'm typically not a heels person.

I'm obsessed with old rotary phones.

Losing your parent is unlike anything.

I learn lessons with every interview I give.

I was a big fan of 'Days of Our Lives' growing up.

I'm more in the Stones camp than the Beatles camp.

You wouldn't want to be in a rock band - trust me.

I write music, really, to make myself feel better.

If you wanna get to heaven, get out of this world.

I can parallel park pretty well - I'm a great driver.

I'm not a religious person by any means. But I'm curious.

I had a huge Lisa Frank sticker collection. I traded them.

I used to be a huge collector, and my big thing was stickers.

As hard as I try to sound tough and dark, I still sound cute.

If I'm not crying while writing a song, I'm not doing it right.

In your mid-30s, you have to take inventory, or you'll stumble.

I love 'Wowee Zowee.' That was the first Pavement record I bought.

I come from a very uncool profession: being a washed up child actor.

I never envisioned myself as a solo artist; I was always part of a band.

My true social media passion is making creepy short movies on Instagram.

I have that working-class show-business blood coursing through my veins.

Rilo Kiley was a rock band, so I wanted my solo records to feel different.

I think you kind of lose the human aspect when you make things too perfect.

I think regardless of where people are from, country music is a through line.

I scored one film by myself, which was the hardest thing I think I've ever done.

I'm not trying to repeat myself or cater myself to one specific group of people.

I like babies, but not in the front row. I don't want to sing directly to a baby.

I'm always pretty nervous when I do anything! I walk very slowly. I'm very careful.

I think art doesn't have to be created in a period of misery, but it certainly helps.

I have a great work ethic - from watching Lucille Ball, not necessarily my own family.

When I think people like one record more than the other, then someone will surprise me.

When I'm not working is when I tend to freak out a bit. It's hard for me to just stay home.

My hair looks so good out in the desert, it's unbelievable. It's, like, perfectly not frizzy.

I find most modern country virtually unlistenable. I can't relate to the music or the lyrics.

I am a huge hip-hop fan, and growing up, I only listened to hip-hop, so I dressed accordingly.

I'm not always as disciplined as I should be. I don't sit down and write every day, but I should.

I've always felt lonely, even if I'm in a great relationship or surrounded by my friends and family.

When you make a solo record, it's you. It's your name. It has to be the right songs for how you feel.

Whenever I have a bunch of tunes written, I always find a kind of uniform that accompanies the songs.

Songs are really interesting in that way. Sometimes, they grow with you. Sometimes, you outgrow them.

It would be nice to create something that's healing rather than slightly creepy and darkly judgmental!

I think life is the most important thing and you have to live that first and then you're art comes second.

I've always just had sort of a dark take on life, I suppose, and hopefully, the music transcends that in a way.

I never intended to set out and be a singer-songwriter. I just sort of became one because I put out my own record.

I've always tried to get around writing love songs, I guess because I've always had a hard time saying, 'I love you.'

I'm an American songwriter, and I write from a very American perspective, and so did the records I grew up listening to.

It sounds cheesy, but music has saved me in a lot of ways. If I had just continued acting, I don't think I would be alive.

I love kids, but there's always time for them later. You can always adopt; you can have a puppy. The songs are my children.

I would never say anything's over forever. How could you possibly know how you feel? How could you shut the door on anything?

I don't write songs, play music and tour, really, for anyone else but myself. It's something that I have to do to stay alive.

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