I guess you can say I was a late bloomer.

A threesome with a mother and her two twins.

New York will be my home for the rest of my life as far as I'm concerned.

After the game, I'm a completely different person. I drink some beers with friends and try to get my mind completely off football.

It's a war out there and either they're going to hurt you or you're going to hurt them. I just go out there and play with my heart.

I think it just kind of comes naturally to me. I feel like I've been coached that way my whole life - to play dirty and to play mean.

I don't want to sound arrogant, but the defense might shut me down on one or two out of five plays, but I'll make them pay eventually.

I think I'm a real good person off the field. I've got good character traits, I go to Church often, and I do community service. I think I'm a really good role model.

A cult hero? I don't think of myself as any kind of hero. I don't want to say it's a fairy tale, but two years ago if you would've told me I'd be in this position, I wouldn't believe it hardly.

Everybody who's ever done anything bad to me, anything that ever went wrong, I try to take it out on somebody-every game. It's like when you see Michael Jordan's highlights and your hair sits up on your arms? I'm like that the whole game.

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