I love my curves.

Normally, I'm so shy.

I'm a naughty sweetheart.

I'm actually a good cook.

I want to be a role model.

Sorry I don't eat buffalo.

Am I eating chicken or tuna?

Labor is really going to hurt.

Is this chicken or is this fish?

I have a flirtatious personality.

I definitely don't Google my name.

You change with the guys you date.

And I'm the worst liar of all time.

Fashion just comes naturally to me.

Everybody is a dumb blonde at heart.

I'm a woman who wants her chocolate.

If it's a boy, I'll put him in tutus!

laugh a lot. It burns a lot of calories.

I don't regret anything I've gone through.

I have amazing boobs. They're just perfect.

I have to go... drop some kids in the pool.

My family is my life, and I'll never lose that.

The average pregnant woman farts 15 times that!

It's like carrying a bowling ball! Almost done.

Isn't it weird that I'm getting all emotionable?

I would never invite cameras into my life again.

I wanted to give up, but my family kept me going.

At 16, every boyfriend I had I was going to marry.

People use music as a utensil to better themselves.

Is that weird, taking my Louis Vuitton bag camping?

It's not good to throw back scotch with a new fetus.

I think anything sounds good with a Southern accent.

Marriage is unbelievable, i couldn't be more in love.

You don't want to marry somebody who's just like you.

The great thing about Dallas is there's no paparazzi.

Whenever my water breaks it'll be like a fire hydrant!

I feel like I have a bowling ball sitting on my hoo-ha.

The average person expels flatulence 15 times each day!

Motherhood is a dream. It really is absolutely amazing.

My style icon really for my whole life has been my mother.

I try not to read blogs. The comments are extremely harsh.

A little bit is not that much to ask to make things right.

There's nothing worse than being disappointed in somebody.

I want people to fall in love with my voice before my image.

Life is definitely always about expanding. That's how we grow.

I surround myself with love and look forward to being in love.

I really want to be just a singer-songwriter. That's who I am.

To be a mentor for up-and-coming artists is right up my alley.

I think that having a public career is a bargain with the devil.

I care about what people think of my heart, my music, my passion.

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