I'm not perfect, but I do my best.

Motherhood made me a better person.

I really was bullied badly in school.

I'm really in tune with my body and what it needs.

I wanted to design clothes to help build confidence.

I'm an Italian girl from the south who's very passionate.

I love nursing my babies. It's such a special bond for me.

It's okay to be sad if things don't go the way you had hoped.

I'm just a little energizer bunny. I just have a lot of energy.

For dinner, I'll grill chicken with asparagus and call it a day.

I get very angry when I'm hungry and there isn't time for lunch.

My cheat days are bread, bread, bread, and cookies. I love bread!

I have always followed a healthy protein and lower-carb lifestyle.

I haven't gone hillbilly rich, where you spend everything you have.

I just don't really like going to the gym that much, and I love eating.

I worked as a belly dancer at a Greek restaurant senior year in high school.

I've always been that person who's struggled to find a swimsuit that I love.

If anything gets in the way of me being a good mom or wife, I simply say no.

I feel better now after two children - I think I look better; I feel better.

I just love Italian, and I think, from being Italian, I just love Italian food.

I was always meant to be a mom. As soon as I had my kids, it just felt so natural.

I do make a really great bolognese, and the key is putting good 'ol wine in there.

I think if you're a good person and spread happiness, good things will come to you!

That's the great thing about women is they are multitaskers, and they can do it all.

I like being Southern; I like going to Cracker Barrel - I mean, that's just how I am.

First time I ever sang was in a contest in Louisiana when I was 9. And I won yodeling.

It sounds cheesy, but if you feel good about yourself, it's going to show on the outside.

'Gold' is about being appreciative and grateful of your life, your family, and the love in it.

I love to hit the gym when I can. I usually work out three times a week and do circuit training.

You need to marry someone that is your soul mate, that you're obsessed with, and never ignore that.

I've never been a label-obsessed person. I indulge in shoes, but I rarely will ever buy full-price.

Even if I didn't know Eric, I still think he would be my celebrity crush. He's so freakin' gorgeous.

I love being a mom. It's my favorite thing. If I had to give up everything and just be a mom, I would.

I don't want anyone to ever feel they are alone and no one likes them, or to feel as insecure as I did.

I think we're such great parents together - I could not have picked a better partner to have kids with.

I work really hard, and have had many opportunities to give up and throw the towel in. But I never did.

When you're pregnant, make sure your husband rubs your feet - and your neck and your back and everything.

I like to do heavy lifting, so it's a great thing to have meals that have a lot of protein to maintain that.

I have always loved fashion and feel it's another way to express my creativity. It's art and beauty combined.

I watched 'Newlyweds' - that was my favorite reality show because I love Jessica Simpson. I'm obsessed with her.

I have the happiest, most confident babies, and I know it's because they feel that strong love from their parents.

I do voices. I can sound like a man or cartoon character. I also have very believable Spanish and English accents.

I always knew I was going to be a mommy, and because I came from a family of three kids, I always assumed I would have three!

If I'm in a hurry, I will have the South Beach Ricotta Muffins. Some mornings, I'll just have turkey bacon and scrambled eggs.

Being a mom has made me feel more like a grown-up. I was always a kid at heart. It makes me feel like I did my purpose in life.

If you don't want to put on any makeup, try some fake eyelashes. They make your eyes pop and give you a little confidence boost.

Eric has pro athletes on both sides of his family - plus, I used to play sports - so I'm sure our son will develop athletic ability.

I think that people can have their hand in as many different things as they want. You've just got to put your mind to it and just do it.

I always feel guilty when I want to go get my nails done or hair done because it takes time away, but I know moms need that alone time, too.

I always say you just need 20 minutes a day. That is it: 20 minutes to do really fast circuits, and you can bring some weights with you to work.

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