In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to look and ...

In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to look and learn, the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either the key or the door to open, except yourself.

Can thought be silent?

Be a light unto oneself

To be is to be related.

Freedom is now or never.

Truth is a pathless land.

As we are - the world is.

I don't mind what happens.

Doesn't becoming imply time?

The thought is not the thing.

The observer is the observed.

What you believe you experience.

Happy is the man who is nothing.

All tradition is merely the past.

There is no tranquility in ideas.

Fear is nonacceptance of what is.

The significance of life is living.

The world is me and I am the world.

The flowering of love is meditation.

Meditation is the action of silence.

Intuition is the whisper of the soul.

The reality is that I am the Teacher.

The description is not the described.

Is not virtue a negation of becoming?

Intelligence is the seeing of what is.

Freedom from something is not freedom.

Most people like to live in illusions.

Only the free mind knows what Love is.

Without freedom, there is no creation.

Is there a thinker apart from thought?

When you are free, you have no choice.

A mind that practices love cannot love.

You are the world and the world is you.

Despair exists only when there is hope.

Truth does not belong to an individual.

Not to know is the beginning of wisdom.

The mind has to be empty to see clearly.

Do it or don't do it but get on with it.

Where there is fear there is aggression.

Intuition is the only true guide in life.

Psychological knowledge has made us dull.

Learning implies a mind that doesn't know.

Can you look at a flower without thinking?

Analysis does not transform consciousness.

Acquiring knowledge is a form of imitation.

To live humanly, sanely, one has to change.

Those who play a safe game die very safely.

The enemy is not the other, the enemy is you

Without knowing yourself, there is no peace.

Here is my secret: I don't mind what happens.

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