Spending is an addiction.

I play the guitar a little bit.

I like to be a strategic policy guy.

Ideas are more powerful than people.

I have no plans to run for president.

Dependency encourages social problems.

The Tea Party doesn't like politicians.

Marriage is a religious and state issue.

I don't think Obama will get re-elected.

Partner with churches to assist the poor.

Cash-for-Clunkers program was a stupid idea.

Well, purity - there's no purity in politics.

I don't even like playing a contentious role.

Not federal government's job to do good deeds.

Allow states to opt out of No Child Left Behind.

Vouchers lead to competition, not re-segregation.

NCLB should be called "More Children Left behind".

Quantitative easing prints money & causes inflation.

No funding for Planned Parenthood; protect the unborn.

Too many Americans are dependent on federal government.

Social Security mess is another failed progressive policy.

Many Democrats are sincere in their desire to help others.

A-PLUS Act - allow states to operate like charter schools.

Eliminating business taxes makes US best at manufacturing.

Select candidates by integrity of character, not promises.

Government-run schools can't instill morals and character.

Judeo-Christian conservatism overcomes natural selfishness.

Gay marriage considered immoral by all the world's religions.

American exceptionalism requires understanding biblical view.

Freedom solutions - cross-state insurers; health cooperatives.

Compromise works well in this world when you have shared goals.

From a policy standpoint, the Judeo-Christian principles are important.

I don't have the support inside Washington or even inside my own party.

I'd like to see a Republican Party that embraces a lot of the libertarian ideas.

Sometimes people credit me for the Tea Party. It's actually the other way around.

It doesn't make sense to have to do the wrong thing in order to do the right thing.

Forget the consultants, the pundits and the pollsters; good policy is good politics.

Anyone who says the Republicans have been irresponsible aren't looking at the facts.

What happens in the Senate is the Republicans sink to the lowest common denominator.

I think I'm the only senator who does not see a president when I look in the mirror.

The debate in the Republican Party needs to be between libertarians and conservatives.

A free and stable Iraq will be a shining light against the shadow of Islamic extremism.

If a person wants to be publicly gay, they should not be teaching in the public schools.

First of all, no candidate is going to win by catering to the alleged Occupy Wall Street vote.

I would support a devolution of power out of Washington for education, health care, transportation.

The problem we've got now in Washington is that the goals are completely the opposite from each other.

Republicans are the only one who can carry the banner of what I think millions of Americans are saying.

I'm never going to rule anything out in life, because most of what I'm doing now, I never intended to do.

If we become too scared to confront the chief problems of our time, there is no hope of ever solving them.

We need comprehensive reform that will make America the best place in the world to invest and do business.

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