Wherever you are - be all there.

It's hard to steer a parked car.

Why do you need a voice when you have a verse?

Domesticated males aren't much use for adventure.

Ninety-five percent of our wool is going to China.

That saint who advances on his knees never retreats.

Let not our longing slay the appetite of our living.

Begin each day with private reading of the Word and prayer.

I seek not a long life, but a full one, like you Lord Jesus.

The will of God is always a bigger thing than we bargain for.

For my generation I must have the oracles of God in fresh terms.

God always gives His best to those who leave the choice with him.

Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God.

When it comes time to die, make sure that all you have to do is die.

Oh, the fullness, pleasure, sheer excitement of knowing God on earth!

Eternity shall be at once a great eye-opener and a great mouth-shutter.

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.

God, I pray light these idle sticks of my life and may I burn up for thee.

Forgive me for being so ordinary while claiming to know so extraordinary a God.

If we are the sheep of His pasture, remember that sheep are headed for the altar.

I couldn’t have asked for more than God in deliberate grace has surprised me with!

Missionaries are very human folks, simply a bunch of nobodies trying to exalt somebody.

Singleness, simplicity, is required of me. One treasure, a single eye, and a sole Master!

Lord, give me firmness without hardness, steadfastness without dogmatism, love without weakness.

Children are arrows in a quiver, and they are to be trained as missionaries and shot at the Devil.

Wherever you are, be all there! Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God.

What good are Greek, commentaries, insight, gift, and all the rest, if there is no heart for Christ?

God is still on His throne, we're still on His 'footstool,' and there's only a knee's distance between!

So many missionaries, intent on doing something, forget that His main work is to make something of them.

Ps 119:89-91: The settled Word in Heaven makes for a solid foundation on earth and a safe path for today.

Be on guard, my soul, of complicating your environment so that you have neither time nor room for growth!

Feast of Stephen, Deacon, First Martyr, the man who will not act until he knows all will never act at all.

Grieve not, then, if your sons seem to desert you, but rejoice, rather, seeing the will of God done gladly.

The sound of 'gentle stillness' after all the thunder and wind have passed will the ultimate Word from God.

Unwillingness to accept God's 'way of escape' from temptation frightens me - what a rebel yet resides within.

I have had to make a cross of two logs, and lie down on it, to show the Indians what it means to crucify a man.

God deliver me from the dread asbestos of “other things.” Saturate me with the oil of the Spirit that I may be aflame.

Missionaries are very human folks, just doing what they are asked. Simply a bunch of nobodies trying to exalt Somebody.

Surely those who know the great passionate heart of Jehovah must deny their own loves to share in the expression of His.

Lord, make my way prosperous not that I achieve high station, but that my life be an exhibit to the value of knowing God.

He is no fool who parts with that which he cannot keep, when he is sure to be recompensed with that which he cannot lose.

It is true that a fellow cannot ignore women - but he can think of them as he ought - as sisters, not as sparring partners.

Rest in this - it is His business to lead, command, impel, send, call... It is your business to obey, follow, move, respond.

Lord, make my way prosperous, not that I achieve high station, but that my life may be an exhibit to the value of knowing God.

The shiny paint laid on by curiosity's hand has worn off. What thing better can a man know than the love of Christ, which passes knowledge?

The will of God is always a bigger thing than we bargain for, but we must believe that whatever it involves, it is good, acceptable and perfect.

I do not know how to make a man think seriously about sin and judgment, and must look to the work of the Holy Spirit for any hint of such a working.

No one warns young people to follow Adam's example. He waited till God saw his need. Then God made Adam sleep, prepared for his mate, and brought her to him.

We are so utterly ordinary, so commonplace, while we profess to know a Power the Twentieth Century does not reckon with.... Oh that God would make us dangerous!

I have felt the impact of your prayer in these past weeks. I am certain now that nothing has had a more powerful infl uence on this life of mine than your prayers.

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