I can write anywhere.

I do have trouble with titles.

Zen is the vehicle of reality.

I seek the substantial in life.

We are all naturally xenophobic.

What cannot be said, will get wept.

In a life properly lived, you're a river.

Death steals everything except our stories.

Everybody has a gun in their car in Detroit.

I couldn't read a screenplay without puking.

Beware, O wanderer, the road is walking too.

Sometimes the only answer to death is lunch.

Life is an honor, albeit anonymously delivered.

Success and money can really be quite blinding.

I'm not rational enough to be a good journalist.

I rarely read or buy a book because of a review.

Riesling? It smells like an intensive care ward.

The reason to moderate is to avoid having to quit.

Given free rein, our imagination can get infinite.

The days are stacked against what we think we are.

When I write, I don't like to be around any humans.

I used to get criticized for putting food in novels.

I'm a time person. It's the one discipline I manage.

Being a writer requires an intoxication with language.

I've always been intemperate in my affection for food.

I'd rather get a brain tumor than go back to teaching.

We are supposed to write poetry to keep the gods alive.

I like grit. I like love and death. I'm tired of irony.

I was a dog on a short chain / and now there's no chain.

We set this house on fire forgetting that we live within.

I'm hoping to be astonished tomorrow by I don't know what.

The answer is always in the entire story, not a piece of it.

I write novellas because I don't like loose sprawling prose.

You can't be unhappy in the middle of a big, beautiful river.

I had let my digust with teaching ruin my love of literature.

Other than fishing and a little bird-hunting, all I do is write.

When we die we are only stories in the minds of others, I thought

Short things are short all over and long things are long all over.

Unlike a lot of writers, I don't have any craving to be understood.

I don't see gender as the most significant fact of human existence.

The only durable sense of success is if you've followed your calling.

Fishing makes us less the hostages to the horrors of making a living.

My advice is, do not try to inhabit another's soul. You have your own.

No one else can hold your hand or take this voyage of the soul for you.

If all I did was answer the correspondence I get, that would be my job.

Every day I wonder how many things I am dead wrong about. -- True North

Fishing tournaments seem a little like playing tennis with living balls.

I can't stand the short story form, which, after all, is a magazine form.

That's my only defense against this world: to build a sentence out of it.

All artists as a type seem to suffer a great deal, but then so do miners.

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