Drag is very regional.

I started drag at 15 years old.

I call myself a gorgeous anachronism.

I am a transgender identified person.

I mean, drag is a universal language.

I've been dressing like a girl my entire life!

If I'm in drag, I'm playing Jinkx in some way.

Almost all the Disney villain witches are gay icons.

While I'm out of drag, I'm still extremely effeminate.

Gwyneth Paltrow - she always looks like she's about to cry.

I want to be a role model and an advocate for social change.

Sarah Silverman has always been a huge influence on my comedy.

Australian audiences seem ready for anything you throw at them.

I love puns and plays on words, which is why I love RuPaul so much.

Jinkx is a single mother and I've seen so many strong Jewish women.

If one wants to be called a queen, one should act with civility and grace.

If you hide, you won't find the eccentric people who will be your best friends.

When your career and your passion one in the same there is very little downtime.

I want people to see that you don't have to be catty and mean to be a superstar.

I used to watch 'Death Becomes Her,' and I knew I wanted to become Meryl Streep.

It's hard to have a fruitful romantic life when I'm never in one place for long.

Drag queens, our whole art form is about taking inspiration from artists we adore.

Drag is very much an art form, and all art goes through ebbs and flows and trends.

My long-term goal is to play a drag role or a female role in a Broadway production.

The more you embrace the weird crazy things about you, the more you find your tribe.

I don't think I knew Ru was a drag queen when I would see her in 'The Brady Bunch Movie.'

I'm extremely into Greek Mythology and know almost everything about the classic Greek myths.

I used to hate that my lips are gigantic, and now I have huge red clown lips, and I love it.

I guess it wasn't really part of my story on 'Drag Race' but I'm a trained actor and singer.

It's silly, but 'You Really Got a Hold on Me' has been a favorite song of mine for a long time.

I basically can't go to any gay bar in America without getting mobbed, which is fun and tiring.

We have such an amazing drag community, and I don't think people fully realize it about Seattle.

As drag queens, you constantly have to be coming up with, 'What's the thing no one's ever seen before?'

I feel that drag queens impersonate very strong, independent women who inspired us throughout our lives.

You don't know that you're not a solo artist or standup comedian or drag cabaret artist until you try it.

We should not be assuming anything for anyone else's gender, because gender is defined by the individual.

I've had some really great experiences in London and the fans are really loyal and always happy to have us.

My motto is water off a duck's back. Meaning: don't let negativity weigh you down, perpetuate positive thinking.

What I love that has happened for years now with 'Drag Race' is the queens can go on to have any kind of career.

I really don't consider myself a man or a woman. I just kind of float in between and that's how I've always felt.

When you become your own boss, and your artwork becomes your livelihood, it becomes the only thing you think about.

Everyone should be able to express themselves in the way that best suits them - life is too short to spend it unhappy.

I'm not the hugest fan of pop music and electro music, which is why 'The Inevitable Album' was entirely live instruments.

Who knows where I would be if I hadn't gone on Drag Race and gotten that kick in the rear to step it up to the next level?

I did 'Hedwig and the Angry Inch' two years in a row in the winter in Seattle, and that was an amazing experience both times.

What makes me angry is closed mindedness, prejudice against those who are different from you, reveling in one's own ignorance.

I am only really attracted to people who are very open-minded and embrace and celebrate people who live outside the gender norm.

There's a mixture of pride and self-loathing in Jewish female comedians that I've always admired and wanted to bring into Jinkx.

I'm going to release whatever feels right and what I think is going to spread a good message about my artistry and what I believe.

I was always ready to submit my life to my career - but I don't think anything could have truly prepared me for the reality of that.

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