love doesn't follow the rules... nothing is worth having so much as something unattainable.

Being a parent wasn't just about bearing a child. It was about bearing witness to its life.

You can be strapped to the most stable chair and still feel the world give way beneath you.

I think this is every mother's worst nightmare - something dreadful happening to her child.

Maybe mothers - consciously or subconsciously - repelled their daughters in different ways.

It doesn't matter what it is that leaves a hole inside you. It just matters that it’s there.

Or in other words, it's the substance you've got when you start that determines the outcome.

In reality, you don’t ever change the hurricane. You just learn how to stay out of its path.

When you care more if someone else lives than you do about yourself- is that what [love is]?

There is nothing worse than silence, strung like heavy beads on too delicate a conversation.

I'd like to say that this time I'd kill myself too..but I've never had that kind of courage.

People had figured out all sorts of ways to make things seem different than they truly were.

Memory is like plaster: peel it back and you just might find a completely different picture.

If you were drifting with a thousand other people, could you really still say you were lost?

Parents aren’t the people you come from. They’re the people you want to be, when you grow up.

I know that the first person I kissed won't be nearly as important as the last person I kiss.

When we're awake, we see what we need to see. When we're asleep, we see what is really there.

It takes two people to make a lie work: the person who tells it, and the one who believes it.

We all want to know what went wrong, even when there isn't really an answer to that question.

Don't pay back in kind, pay back in kindness. If someone does wrong by you, do right by them.

People believed what they wanted to believe, no matter what was right in front of their eyes.

there's something nice about knowing that i'm not the only one who doesn't quite fit the part.

My dad used to say that living with regrets was like driving a car that only moved in reverse.

After a certain point, a heart with so many stress fractures can never be anything but broken.

The problem with you is that you always see a glass of milk half empty instead of half filled.

A lie, as you probably know, has a taste all its own. Blocky and bitter and never quite right.

It is a remarkable question- Do all the wonderful things happen when we are not aware of them?

The truth doesn't always set you free; people prefer to believe prettier, neatley wrapped lies

These days her entire life was about making people believe she was someone she wasn't anymore.

Just because fate had thrown another obstacle in my way didn't mean I had to give up my dreams.

What is right, in the end, is not always what it seems to be, and some rules are better broken.

Sometimes it made her want to put her fist through glass; other times, it made her cry a river.

When it's all over, you're remembered for what you did, not what you said you were going to do.

Things break all the time. Day breaks, waves break, voices break. Promises break. Hearts break.

The act of reading is a partnership. The author builds a house, but the reader makes it a home.

When a freedom is taken away from you, I suppose, you recognize it as a privilege, not a right.

Bleeding heart, he’d called her. Well. He should know. He’d been the first to rip it to pieces.

Believe me, Being gay is not a choice. Noone would choose to make life harder than it has to be.

I wonder if you've got a minute." I have many minutes, all of them used toward a common purpose.

Me, I was already jaded and tarnished, skeptical that a fantasy world could keep reality at bay.

My brother believed in all sorts of mythical creatures: pixies, dragons, werewolves, honest men.

sometimes words are not big enough to contain all the feelings you are trying to pour into them.

I don't want to make the same mistake twice. I don't want to tell myself it's over when it's not.

We all have things that come back to haunt us. Some of us just see them more clearly than others.

A lie took two parties - the weaver of the tale and the sucker who so badly wanted to believe it.

That's what love is. It's some power greater than you and me, that draws us to one special person

We all know that a sky with clouds in it is much more interesting than one that doesn’t have any.

How could you go about choosing something that would hold the half of your heart you had to bury?

How do you know that you are not part of a book? That someone's not reading your story right now?

The doctors may be mapping out the war games, but it is the nurses who make the conflict bearable.

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