Just when you think you've got your life by the reins, that's when it's most likely to run away with you.

But there is a different between mending someone who's broken and finding someone who makes you complete.

You can't look back - you just have to put the past behind you, and find something better in your future.

I haven't run out of ideas yet. Usually while I'm working on a book, I'm doing research for the next one!

Gay rights is not something most of us think about - because most of us happen to have been born straight.

I am not keeping my distance because it is uncomfortable for me, but because it is uncomfortable for them.

It is so easy to presume that while your own world has ground to an absolute halt, so has everyone else's.

I think there are crossroads in our lives when we make grand, sweeping decisions without even realizing it.

A duck walks into a bar and the bartender asks, what'll it be? The duck doesn't answer because it's a duck.

In my family, we seem to have a tortured history of not saying what we ought to and not meaning what we do.

When you begin a journey of revenge, start by digging two graves: one for your enemy, and one for yourself.

And I remembered something else that makes us human: faith, the only weapon in our arsenal to battle doubt.

She understood how a world jammed with phones, email, and faxes could still leave you feeling utterly alone.

Kids think with their brains cracked wide open; becoming an adult, I've decided, is only a slow sewing shut.

Rest easy, real mothers. The very fact that you worry about being a good mom means that you already are one.

It's like the psychiatrists themselves are buying into that stupid belief that therapy is something to hide.

What if love wasn't the act of finding what you were missing but the give-and-take that made you both match?

Everyone thinks you make mistakes when you're young. But I don't think we make any fewer when we're grown up

Maybe if God gives you a handicap, he makes sure you've got a few extra doses of humor to take the edge off.

You could only save someone that wanted to be saved; otherwise, you'd be be dragged down for the count, too.

I could think whatever I wanted to, but realized that any promises I made myself were destined to be broken.

Love meant jumping off a cliff and trusting that a certain person would be there to catch you at the bottom.

The process of growing up was nothing more than figuring out what doors hadn't yet been slammed in your face.

You can fool yourself, you know. You'd think it's impossible, but it turns out it's the easiest thing of all.

In the English language there are orphans and widows, but there is no word for the parents who loses a child.

Anger, though, is too fierce a flame to last for long, and when it burned out, I was left numb and wondering.

What she couldn't put into word was what had happened in between to change her from one person into the other

I am an activist. I have a really big pulpit with my fiction and I love knowing that I can make people think.

And if your parents have you for a reason, then that reason better exist. Because once it's gone, so are you.

She wondered if this was true of every parent: if, prior to having children, they all used to be someone else.

I knew what it was like to lose someone you loved. You didn't get past something like that, you got through it.

It feels like a punch. Tears fill my eyes, and I wonder how I could be upset over losing something I never had.

Just because you had every right to feel sorry for yourself didn't mean you ever took the opportunity to do so.

I keep quite busy, walk 5 miles a day, and have an excellent hairdresser who keeps the gray out of my red hair.

But you could only remake your own future, not anyone else's, and for some people that just wasn't good enough.

People have to experience things that terrify them. If they don't, how will they ever come to appreciate safety?

She understood what it was like to stand right in front of people you loved, even though they could not see you.

In the end, though, I did not kill my sister. She did it all on her own. Or at least this is what I tell myself.

The wolves knew when it was time to stop looking for what they'd lost, to focus instead on what was yet to come.

The right idea is the one you can't stop thinking about; the one that's in your head first thing in the morning.

Did you ever walk through a room that's packed with people, and feel so lonely you can hardly take the next step?

Things that break - be they bones, hearts, or promises - can be put back together but will never really be whole.

Until this moment, I had not realized that someone could break your heart twice, along the very same fault lines.

If you didn't remember something happening, was it because it never had happened? Or because you wished it hadn't?

Tutoring a four year old to get into an exclusive preschool made as much sense as hiring a swim coach for a guppy.

At home I was raped by a guy i thought I loved' Trixie said, because thats what it was to her and always would be.

I think people do things all the time in the name of love that they shouldn't be doing - such is the nature of us.

What you notice is the loneliness. Daniel started to isolate himself, because it hurt less than being pushed away.

No child really chooses his religion; it is just the luck of the draw which blanket of beliefs you are wrapped in.

I always hated when my scars started to fade, because as long as I could still see them, I knew why I was hurting.

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