You know we're going to control the insurance companies.

In my heart, I'm confident I could make a good president.

Think about the decade after Iraq, not just the day after.

Almost every great innovation was [created] by government.

In Romania, American forces have found a devoted NATO ally.

I am a Zionist. You don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist.

The effects of climate change are real and must be acted on.

In the good old days when I was a senator, I was my own man.

Apologized for saying Barack Obama was clean and articulate.

US worse off than before Saddam because US lost credibility.

No Ordinary American Cares About Their Constitutional Rights

One role of government is to go where venture capital won't.

Would Colonel [Bernie] Sanders honeymoon in the Soviet Union?

No nation should stoke instability in its neighbor's country.

I get overwhelming support in the African-American community.

Everyone plagiarizes me. Ever since I wrote my autobiography.

It's easy being vice president - you don't have to do anything.

Transgender discrimination is the civil rights issue of our time

If we wait for the danger to become clear, it could be too late.

Saudi Arabia has allowed training on its soil of American forces.

You can go back 500 years. You cannot find a more audacious plan.

Abe Foxman has been a friend and advisor of mine for a long time.

The Turks ... the Saudis, the Emiratis, etc. What were they doing?

This Republican Kevin McCarthy makes Hillary [Clinton] the victim.

What I was saying is that Israel cannot count on the United States.

Everyone working 40 hrs a week should have a shot at a decent life.

It's gonna be one of the great achievements of this administration.

It is my view that we cannot conduct foreign policy at the extremes.

I know I'm not supposed to like muscle cars, but I like muscle cars.

The one place that David is equal to Goliath is in the Supreme Court.

It(Boston Bombings) was worth it to hear you(survivor speakers) speak.

The art of living is simply getting up after you've been knocked down.

Global energy security is a vital part of America's national security.

I'm not running like Colonel [Bernie] Sanders. All reputations matter.

I guess every single word I've ever said is going to be dissected now.

This nuclear option is ultimately an example of the arrogance of power.

Some of my best friends are Jewish contributors to the Democratic Party.

There's a lot of revisionist history that goes on these days about Iraq.

One of the things I've never been accused of is not caring about people.

Most liberals think of civil liberties as their Achilles heel. It isn't.

I was in sit-ins to desegregate restaurants and movie houses in the '60s.

I'm not big on flak jackets and tie-dyed shirts. You know, that's not me.

Reality has a way of intruding. Reality eventually intrudes on everything.

I’d rather be at home making love to my wife while my children are asleep.

I used to say to my late wife, 'I have great faith in the American people.'

No nation should threaten its neighbors by massing troops along the border.

To start to look more focused on the good that's been done and can be done.

The moral disapprobation of society has an impact on behavior in societies.

I've learned a long time ago, you don't say anything for absolutely certain.

We are America, second to none, and we own the finish line. Don't forget it.

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