Defeat held no honor.

Who said love was reasonable?

Villains are meant to be hated.

Anytime,anywhere,ask,and I am yours.

Do for yourself, for no one else will.

Stupid people always ignored good advice

Biding time is easy -- and gets you nowhere.

Writing was my first occupation, begun at age 23.

I don't actually listen to much music since I need quiet to work.

But you don't let true happiness slip out of your grasp without one helluva fight.

She was the kind of gal that if she set her sights on a man, he'd be running in the opposite direction real quick.

With my life comes my heart, yours now to crush or cherish as you will. It is my hope you will have a care in keeping both.

If you cant laugh at your own characters, or shed a tear for them, or even get angry at one of them, no one else will either.

If you can't laugh at your own characters, or shed a tear for them, or even get angry at one of them, no one else will either.

I never thought I’d say I’m so very glad you’re a rogue instead of an angel. But I suppose it’s all right as long as you’re my rogue - Rebecca -

What is a friend if not someone you feel close to, someone you like being with, someone you can confide in and share pleasure with. -Jeremy Malory-

By your father's word has your life been given to me to protect. Now do I give you my life in return, yours to keep until the day I die. --Falon to Shanelle

I'm sorry I stood there like a half-wit, Count Petroff," she told him matter-of-factly, "but I was a bit--surprised. After all, it's not everyday that I see a man who's prettier than I am." (Alexandra)

Anthony grinned at her, knowing that would probably infuriate her all the more. "My eyes have been a-wandering, as you put it, for the last nineteen years. Give them a rest, Roslynn. They settled on you and don't want to move on.

And here I thought you were actually going to behave yourself," he said. "It's going to get worse if they don't keep their hands off you." "I suppose you're going to tell me now that only you have the right to touch me." "I see we understand each other.

My mother helped me to get past that. She was always there for me, until she dies. I remember she told me once, about big hearts and small hearts, and that not everyone could be blessed with a big one that had room to care for a lot of people. She promised me that mine was big, and that I was the lucky one for it.

Anthony: Now lower your dress a little- Roslynn: Anthony! Anthony: This is no time for offended modesty... You're the distraction. Roslynn: Och, well, in that case. Anthony: That's quite low enough, my dear... Roslynn: I was only trying to help, Anthony: Commendable, but we want the chap to ogle you, not bust his breeches.

Another step had her backed up against the wall, and he braced his arms on both sides of her. "I'm beginning to look forward to this marriage, just so I can spend the rest of my life making you miserable." Alexandra was too angry to be intimidated. "Misery loves company, sweetheart," she shot back. "So don't think I'll be suffering mine alone." She slipped out from under his arm and marched out the door.

You aren't even angry with me anymore, Stefan, so let me up." He didn't budge. "It would be a misconception on your part, little Tanya, if you are thinking I have to be angry to make love to you." His head bent, his lips grazing her cheek all the way to her ear. With his warm breath sending tingles all over her, he continued in a whisper, "I wanted you last night, today a dozen times, right now more than ever. Tell me to love you, Tanya. Demand it of me!

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