Do more of what you love, less of what you tolerate and none of what ...

Do more of what you love, less of what you tolerate and none of what you hate.

Be purposeful. Be patient, and be active!

You become what you think about the most.

Success is not a mystery. It is a science.

Intuition is what you know before you think.

Anyone can stay the same. It takes courage to change

Our job as humans is to hold onto thoughts of what we want.

When we pray with our hearts and our souls I think we are being heard.

We can have whatever it is that we choose. I don't care how big it is.

Success tastes that much sweeter when you have people to share it with.

It's easy to talk about what you're going to do but your actions speak words.

Every single day, you're trading your life for who you're working with and what you do.

Everything is made up of the exact same thing, whether it's your hand, the ocean, or a star.

Be very careful what you say to yourself because someone very important is listening . . . YOU!

You can choose right now to change the way you are experiencing a windstorm. Adjust your sails.

If you want to earn a million bucks a year, eliminate mediocrity from your thinking and your life.

I drive a lot of joy from being able to help others and helping put them on the path that they want.

If you're interested, you will do what is convenient; if you're committed, you'll do whatever it takes.

I don't know if humor has a place for it but being light hearted does and not to take it too seriously.

I totally believe that I everything I choose, everything I set my dreams out to achieve I will achieve.

If you do not master the art of self discipline- you will succumb to the emotions and reality of regret.

There are a lot of people who pretend to have moral ethics and they talk from both sides of their mouth.

Having the Creator in my life, having the spiritual connection to the divine intelligence that created me.

I think people are afraid of either failing or succeeding. It takes courage to feel the fear and feel the risk.

There is a Greek word that is called "Praxis" and that means the integration of your beliefs with your behavior.

I pray everyday, all the time. Prayer is when you are actually experiencing a conversation with divine intelligence.

I will continue to make mistakes and hope to be forgiven so I have to treat people the same way I want to be treated.

Are you a hoarder of more negative thoughts or positive ones? Whichever ones you hoard, grow into trees and then forests.

Every moment allows your the opportunity to take a deep breath in and be grateful for the fact that you can take in a breath.

First we have to understand what doubts and fears are, how anxiety and doubts and fears come about. They are a psychic disease.

It is said that it takes 10,000 hours to develop mastery and excellence. How many hours have you clocked today on your passion?

Here's the problem. Most people are thinking about what they don't want, and they're wondering why it shows up over and over again.

The most wonderful gift one human being can give to another, is in some way, to make that person's life a little bit better to live.

I am loving a lot. I am just loving and loving and loving. A lot of people around me really see a love in me and a love in themselves.

The reason you have what you have is because that is what you have decided to settle for right now. Change your mind, change your life.

The simplest way for me to look at the law of attraction is if I think of myself as a magnet, and I know that a magnet will attract to it.

Keep your chin up. No one expected you to save the world, otherwise you would have been born wearing a cape and tights. Just do the best you can.

We can have whatever it is we choose, I don't care how big it is. You become what you think about, but you also attract what you think about most.

Your life can not be all about stuff that you love or even like. Your life is going to be about ups and downs and that is just part of the journey.

If you have your health and the ability to do what you love to do then I think we are all blessed and so keeping a light heart is really important.

I think heroism is when somebody really goes above and beyond the call of duty and does something outstanding for either themselves or somebody else.

One of the lowest points in my life was when I was diagnosed and combated with severe ulcerative colitis which is severe ulcers in you colon that bleed.

We go through these metamorphous just like a caterpillar does before becoming a butterfly and the middle of that metamorphosis it always feels uncomfortable.

The most important part of living life on your own terms and having it all is having faith and belief in yourself and in the intelligent power that created you.

I am a genius, I am brilliant, I am outstanding and I can achieve whatever I choose to achieve with a ... given by my Creator." That is how I am helping people.

I started studying successful people a lot of successful people and the first thing they told me you first have to believe it in here before you see it out here.

Sometimes we forget that the top of the wave, the top of the crest is always the bottom, there is no inside without an outside, and there is no up without a down.

To having no self esteem to feeling wonderful about yourself doing what you love to do and making the money that you want to be making. That is my contribution to humanity.

You don't become a hero by choosing to become a hero. You become a hero by becoming an example, by being an example for what's possible, for being an example for one person.

If you think about a child that is born and how it's born, if it has racism in his genes, every child that is raised up to hit or beat someone up with anger and resentments.

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