I'm a Michael Bay fanatic.

'Junkhearts' is a great story.

I've been getting diverse roles.

I'm a comic reader and a manga fan.

Hollywood has given me a great, warm hug.

You know, urban culture is fun; it's lovely.

I like my women very green; you know, eco-friendly.

You know, we all can do bad, and we all can do good.

I love London. I'm a London fanatic. That's my city.

Who wouldn't want to be in 'Star Wars?' It'd be great.

Portray the world for what it is, and you will find truth.

Ive had plenty of lessons about film acting and theatre acting.

I've had plenty of lessons about film acting and theatre acting.

There is a level of appreciation for brothers and sisters in the hood.

I love my jackets and good tailoring. I love the designs and the colour.

Being robbed hurts - not physically, but from what it does to your pride.

All the films I've done have had a secret commentary on stereotypical mentalities.

Id like to be in anything that tells a good story and has an interesting character.

I'd like to be in anything that tells a good story and has an interesting character.

Film is just a great medium to express yourself and a great environment to work around.

In the States, you have a little bit of freedom to audition for different kinds of roles.

Let's get used to other cultures. Portray the world for what it is and you will find truth.

The 'block' in 'Attack the Block' is not just a physical thing. It's people; it's families.

My biggest challenge is to not do urban movies for the rest of my life, those alpha hoodies.

The scripts that I've been getting are of epic proportion. People want me to lead the big armies.

I'm a London fanatic. That's my city. I love being from there, you don't appreciate it until you go out.

Acting careers dont come out fully formed - not unless your name is Jaden Smith and your dad has done it all.

Acting careers don't come out fully formed - not unless your name is Jaden Smith and your dad has done it all.

I'm having so much fun, because you know what? They cast a Star Wars fan in a Star Wars movie. Biiiiiig mistake!

People watch me when I get into these characters that I have in my head, so perhaps I should try acting. So I did.

I love film so much. I think theatre will definitely be there for me as well, but for now I'd like to do more films.

I remember my manager telling me, 'Be myself, be humble, keep rooted, keep God first'. Those words were very helpful.

People of color and women are increasingly being shown on-screen. For things to be whitewashed just doesn't make sense.

I love London. I'm a London fanatic. That's my city. I love being from there, you don't appreciate it until you go out.

It's always great to play a character that goes against the grain. Finn defies what people think when they think of stormtroopers.

Like any other actor, my agent called me with an opportunity. It just so happens that the opportunity was the lead in 'Star Wars.'

Not everybody has that mentality and that's fine, but once Robert Redford leaves this earth - later rather than sooner - his legacy will go on.

Every time I go out in London, I'm not always with my guys. I have three female friends that I'll go out with all the time. I'm the only guy there.

I think 'Star Wars' always has to be bigger and bigger and better every time, and there's a great cast on 'The Force Awakens.' It's ground-breaking.

It's amazing that people still feel, 'Oh my gosh, it's a black guy.' We've been here for a long time; let's get used to it. Let's get used to other cultures.

My stormtrooper suit would chip underneath the armpits and in between the thighs. So they had to do a lot of editing for my costume and shave some areas down.

I think what Robert Redford established is amazing; thank god for Robert Redford. He's set an amazing example with Sundance and I hope to follow that in my own way.

I'm grounded in who I am, and I am a confident black man. A confident, Nigerian, black, chocolate man. I'm proud of my heritage, and no man can take that away from me.

My friends and family are not really fixated on the specifics of 'Star Wars.' My parents don't know anything about 'Star Wars.' They've never watched a 'Star Wars' film.

We see through the eyes of children that they're not talking about race the way we grown folks are. They're not talking about color or how much melanin is in someone's skin.

'Attack The Block' is an alien invasion film set in South London. It's about a group of kids who are some petty thugs, who have to find the hero in themselves, when they attack.

I love theatre. I think it's the home of most actors...most actors start with it. It's so enjoyable to do and to be able to see your audience. And the process of theatre is great.

My dad is a minister, and my mum is a worker with the less fortunate and the disabled. They're Nigerian natives. Their first language is Yoruba, and their second language is English.

I've only been three years in the industry - but I would say from my observations, my personal opinions, that the world in Hollywood and all the big movies has been built up as just white.

I want to see more people of different backgrounds being cast in films. I want to see people from inner cities being discovered, because that's where you find some really brilliant artists.

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