Out of the work comes the work.

In the dark, all cats are black.

We only hear what we listen for.

I don't need sound to talk to me.

Each moment presents what happens.

All great art is a form of complaint

...we make our lives by what we love.

Every something is an echo of nothing

Nothing more than nothing can be said.

Art is whatever you can get away with.

Music is a means of rapid transportation.

Beware of losing what isn't in your head.

We need not destroy the past. It is gone.

One need not fear for the future of music.

I have nothing to say, and I am saying it.

The world is teeming; anything can happen.

Try as we may to make a silence, we cannot.

As McLuhan says, everything happens at once.

Good music can act as a guide to good living.

In an utter emptiness anything can take place.

I like being moved. I don't like being pushed.

When we separate music from life we get is art.

My work became an exploration of non-intention.

Ideas are one thing and what happens is another.

If someone says can't, that shows you what to do.

I am trying to be unfamiliar with what I'm doing.

Everything I see is something I haven't memorized.

My favorite music is the music I haven't yet heard

Everyday is a beautiful day, Everything is pleasing

The act of listening is in fact an act of composing.

A meal without mushrooms is like a day without rain.

We carry our homes within us which enables us to fly.

Now that things are so simple, there's so much to do.

The world, the real is not an object. It is a process.

A finished work is exactly that, requires resurrection.

Get yourself out of whatever cage you find yourself in.

No one can have an idea once he starts really listening.

It's useless to play lullabies for those who cannot sleep.

I have nothing to say, I am saying it, and that is poetry.

The white paintings came first; my silent piece came later.

Everything you do is music, and everywhere is the best seat.

Everything we do is music." (Classical Composer)(From: 4'33")

As far as consistency of thought goes, I prefer inconsistency.

There is poetry as soon as we realize that we possess nothing.

Each something is a celebration of the nothing that supports it.

You can feel an emotion; just don't think that it's so important.

If my work is accepted, I must move on to the point where it is not.

What right do I have to be in the woods, if the woods are not in me.

Art is sort of an experimental station in which one tries out living.

Music is edifying, for from time to time it sets the soul in operation.

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