You get my point now? Coz before I thought you missed it. I'ma viagra triple shot, you just a limp bizkit. WORD LIFE.

Welcome to Smackdown. This is where the franchise plays. That's Tazz, he's a thug. And that's Michael Cole, he's gay.

Your job as a superstar is to manipulate the audience and try to tell your story. I like the dynamic of the audience.

I think you can check out 'Monday Night Raw' and watch any 'U.S. Open Challenge,' and my actions speak for themselves.

A true champion is not judged by how much he or she is admired, but by how well they can stand at the face of adversity.

Thank you for letting idiots like me, come out and live this wonderful wonderful dream. I love you to death. Lets go home.

Time management is the key. Although it seems hectic, as long as you manage your time properly you can get everything done.

My home is at the WWE. I truly do love performing. The atmosphere here isn't like anything else. It's truly where I belong.

I'm big into the PlayStation 2. From what I've heard, the Xbox is the better system, but I can't get used to that controller.

If you continue to act now and be a member of the WWE Universe, you will see the same footage from... another... camera angle.

A role like I had on 'Parks and Rec,' to me, is very easy to understand, and that's something that I can do with my eyes closed.

The conditioning and the lifestyle changes you have to make to remain a healthy athlete are what molded me into what I am today.

Blood is one of the things that made fights cool. Like, you knew it had gotten serious. I understand why we don't do it anymore.

I don't think my body's gonna go to hell if I train for performance. It might change a little and adapt, but I like being strong.

I opened the script to the 'The Wall,' and 15 minutes later I was done with it, and I loved the movie and wanted to be part of it.

I think every year, my role changes. And I am an open house for advice, for anyone to use. It's just a matter of asking questions.

But I've been freestyling and messing around with rhyming since I was 13. That's when I really started listening to hip-hop music.

This Fruity Pebble that ya dealin' with, I ain't ya average jabroni. I'm like a big purple pinwheel, Rock, so go ahead and blow me.

The days I see a Make-A-Wish kid are the best days of the week. It's a real privilege. I give them exactly what they give me - hope.

You're dressed up like the flag, somebody get him a pole! Oh, no, no, no, I know how you can get one. Go on a date, with Michael Cole.

Hip-hop certainly is in sync with the youth, and every day that passes, I grow less youthful, as much as I have tried to hold onto it.

Every member of the U.S. Armed Forces knows what they signed up for, and they know what their job is, and they are proud of their job.

I literally wake up and try to tackle every day the best I can and do my best to try to make life as productive and positive as I can.

Regardless of the perception that the talent may have or the Superstars may have, WWE's business model is 'give the fans what they want.'

I'm actually a fan of all of the EA Sports titles like 'Tiger Woods,' 'Madden,' and I'm really looking forward to buying 'NBA Street V3.'

I really, really want the WWE to be able to perform on a regular basis in China. I think we should be able go to India on a regular basis.

I eat well. I don't really, I guess, like, steam my own food and cook my own food in advance. I enjoy food, but I just don't make bad decisions.

The ESPYS are about appreciating moments in sports and not looking down on it because it's maybe not your favorite athlete or your favorite team.

I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but there is a difference between the John Cena character you see on television and me as a human being.

The only time I ever get choked is when I'm at Make-A-Wish headquarters, because you're talking and working with people who share the same ideals.

Amazingly enough, athletic achievement is one of those things that seems larger than life at points. I think we all look to sport for inspirations.


First thing you have to understand is that freestyling is much different than making hip-hop music: there's another whole element to being a hip-hop MC.

For me, to get any match is fine. For me to be thrown right into the mix and be named No. 1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship is a blessing.

If you watch wrestling, you now know the hip-hop culture is being represented with wrestling. For the longest time, the cultures have almost been parallel.

What I want to do is, I want to put together a nice list of those guys who I really did admire when I was growing up, listening to names like Lord Finesse.

I admire the military. I guess in a world of villains and heroes, they're my heroes. Their dedication, their commitment, their discipline, their code of ethics.

I don't know why ESPN asked me to host the ESPYs. I think that they realize we, over at WWE, can engage a live audience. We certainly have an enormous following.

I know my way around the WWE. I know at least a little bit about everything and our business model, and I feel comfortable there, although I still learn every day.

Chicago fans cheer and boo who they want. They're great fans whether they like me or not. They show you how they feel. I don't like crowds that sit on their hands.

As a kid, what brought me in the gym, what got me in there every day was a chance to break your personal best, a chance to be strong; I just really, really dig that.

What, Sheamus? Oh no, I can see him...he's pretty pale......What? oh no, he's even whiter than that. He's like a jar of mayonaisse with eyeballs and a ketchup haircut.

My most string-beanish, I guess, is when I was 15 years old. From 15 to 16, I went from 155 pounds to 215. By the time I graduated from high school, I was between 235-250.

Yes I have a belt. I wear big pants because my ass is huge. So I can't go to a store by off the rack a size that is appropriate for my waist because they don't fit my ass!

I know a lot of actors who live with kind of a soundtrack in their lives, even to go to the market. I'm not that kind of actor. I don't listen to songs. I actually like quiet.

I watch just as much WWE as almost anyone, but I love to. It's something I enjoy doing. I don't force myself to watch. I get excited for Mondays. I get excited to see the show.

I would say luck and preparation. I didn't dominate WWE when I first started, it was a slow process. I wasn't labelled the golden child from day one, it's been a very long road.

I've always been a fan of Derek Jeter. Guys that consistently, throughout a long-term career, that not only have success but are very aware of their situation - I really dig that.

I'm just surrounded by awesome funny folks and really creative people. I'm learning, every day. There's not a day that I step on set that I don't have fun. It's a pretty good deal.

I want to see someone like Bobby 'The Brain' jumping around in his weasel suit with the rhinestones. Guys who are animated like that make the best translation to TV and to videogames.

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