Artists have a sensibility that others don't have. They have a way of reading into the future.

Components are important in the evolution of cars, and there is increasing need for electronics.

I learnt not to be desperate in bad times and am learning not to be bullish when times are good.

I learnt not to be desperate in bad times, and I am learning not to be bullish when times are good.

There are no doubts in the value of Juventus. Many things, such as the new stadium, have strengthened the club.

We think the ownership culture is very important, so we like to invest in businesses whose leaders are also owners.

Under our stable and committed ownership, PartnerRe will continue to develop as a leading independent global reinsurer.

Della Valle is worried about RCS? RCS is a company that is doing well; I don't think that Della Valle is worried about this.

My biggest satisfaction was to learn, inexperienced as I was, that it is possible to find ways out of the deepest difficulties.

It's my experience at Fiat and, now, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles that when there is a very strong CEO, it's a good thing to be chairman.

Many things are linked to being able to live with uncertainty, ...with paradoxes. But this can be a strength of an organisation and a situation.

As long-term business builders, we invest our permanent capital and deploy management skills in support of talented leaders and companies with global potential.

We have been told many times that we have become too big, but these are things that only someone who has no idea of the size of the competition can say. We are too small.

I think there is empirical evidence that if you look at family controlled businesses, they actually outperform in terms of results and also valuations, the broader market.

I am a big believer of what Darwin discovered in the Galapagos, proving that the species most responsive to change will survive over apparently stronger or more intelligent competitors.

I'm interested in avoiding two types of behaviour [in my children]: one is the sense of guilt and the other is a sense of entitlement. If these two are avoided, then the rest is up to them.

As an entrepreneur you have responsibilities in trying to operate well in what you have to do. There is a positive effect if you end up doing that. That's where I try to spend most of my efforts.

We are convinced of the huge potential that still lies ahead and particularly in The Economist's ability to seize the many development opportunities linked to the digitisation of the media industry.

I was born in New York, then I went to the UK, then I went to Brazil, then I went to France, then I studied in Italy. My life was always about being confronted with an environment where you had to adapt.

The lesson I have learnt is that when a family and a business function, they function together. You have to have a family that works and a business that works and the two will end up working well alongside.

Avoiding the all-too-typical divisive trappings of a takeover and creating instead a shared transnational culture - this is one of the most important lessons learned from combining Fiat and Chrysler to create FCA.

I wish Rupert, Robert, and their hugely talented News Corp team continued and growing success in all they do, deploying News Corp's extraordinary skills and potential to the huge opportunities of a relentlessly more digital world.

The 500X and Jeep Renegade are very different cars, but they are manufactured in the same plant and share R&D, which reduces the total investment required by 1 billion euros. That is why I'm convinced that the industry needs and will see more consolidation in the future.

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