Time is not a road - it is a room.

I am infinitely strange to myself.

Science disembodies; art embodies.

An answer is always a form of death.

Death is the room that is always empty.

...all cynicism masks a failure to cope.

Always we try to put the wild in a cage.

The best wines take the longest to mature.

Between skin and skin, there is only light.

Whole sight; or all the rest is desolation.

Alive. Alive in the way that death is alive.

The world began in hazard and will end in it.

The dead live." "How do they live?" "By love.

Which are you drinking? The water or the wave?

The ordinary man is the curse of civilization.

Ask me to marry you." "Will you marry me?" "No.

I mean I never feel I feel what I ought to feel.

The profoundest distances are never geographical.

To despise all effort is the greatest effort of all.

If you want to be true to life, start lying about it

An aphorism is a generalization, therefore not modern.

They looked down on her; and she looked up through them.

Love is the mystery between two people, not the identity.

He's not human; he's an empty space disguised as a human.

Adulthood is not an age, but a stage of knowledge of self.

Follow the accident, fear the fixed plan--that is the rule.

The supposed great misery of our century is the lack of time.

One degrades oneself sometimes in the effort not to be lonely.

And I just can't live in this present. I would go mad if I did.

How can one build a better self unless on the ruins of the old?

Duty largely consists of pretending that the trivial is critical.

The pronoun is one of the most terrifying masks man has invented.

Stained glass, engraved glass, frosted glass; give me plain glass.

When you draw something it lives and when you photograph it it dies

Content is a word unknown to life; it is also a word unknown to man.

If anything might hurt her, silence would; and I wanted to hurt her.

The moon hung over the planet Earth, a dead thing over a dying thing.

They're beautiful. But sad.' Everything's sad if you make it so, I said.

Wolves don't hunt singly, but always in pairs. The lone wolf was a myth.

There are only two races on this planet - the intelligent and the stupid.

There cannot be any true leisure until all the world possesses it equally.

Being an atheist is a matter not of moral choice, but of human obligation.

We all write poems; it is simply that poets are the ones who write in words.

Our accepting what we are must always inhibit our being what we ought to be.

Edith Sitwell's interest in art was largely confined to portraits of herself.

We all want things we can't have. Being a decent human being is accepting that.

All novelists should live in two different worlds: a real one and an unreal one.

The price of tapping water into every house is that no one values water any more.

All pasts are like poems; one can derive a thousand things, but not live in them.

Forgetting’s not something you do, it happens to you. Only it didn’t happen to me.

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