Teenagers think they are invincible

Without pain, we couldn't know joy.

Most loves don't last. But some do.

You die in the middle of your life.

You live for pretentious metaphors.

Miles, as in 'to go before I sleep'?

Without Pain, How Could We Know Joy?

She was loved deeply, but not widely

Night falls fast. Today is the past.

When was the last good kiss you had?

So I let her go, too. And I'm sorry.

The labyrinth blows, but I choose it.

I have guts, just not when it counts.

Books are like tweets, except longer.

I'm not asexual. I'm arelationshipal.

Entropy increases. Things fall apart.

It's bad for your brain not to unplug.

I wish I knew how to quit you, Tumblr.

Writing does not resurrect. It buries.

Something invisible snapped inside her.

I can't remember, because I never knew.

We all romanticize the people we adore.

It is so hard to leave-until you leave.

Leaving feels too good, once you leave.

I spy with my little eye a great story.

Maybe all the strings inside him broke.

Our children are weird. Nicely phrased.

...And in freedom, most people find sin.

standing in line is a form of oppression

People always get used to beauty though.

The right story needs the right telling.

Y'all smoke to enjoy it. I smoke to die.

We just did an awesome job of not dying.

We are now as I wished we could be then.

Language buries, but does not resurrect.

Dying is the last thing I would EVER do!

And I wrote my way out of the labyrinth.

I think forever is an incorrect concept.

Why are breakfast foods breakfast foods?

Did I help you to a fate you didn't want?

Stupid truth, always resisting simplicity

Coal miners don't get coal miners' block.

Why is it upset? Shouldn't it be downset?

Congratulations! You're a woman. Now die.

Grief doesn't change you. It reveals you.

If drunk were cookies, I'd be Famous Amos

We are greater than the sum of our parts.

I got my wish, I suppose. I left my scar.

What's the meaning of life? Other people.

The world is not a wish-granting factory.

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