Poverty is a great equalizer

judge not that ye be not judged

I struggle with racism every day

Life is short..Live to the fullest.

Critics should find meaningful work.

Michael Harvey should be read by all.

Some people have more guts than brains.

If you're gonna be stupid you gotta be tough.

You burn a man's pickup, and he's ready for war.

I don't want to force my politics on my readers.

I don't even know what a serious literary critic is.

I'm being followed so much I'm causing traffic jams.

Four rehabs meant a fifth was somewhere down the road.

Live your life the way you want. You'll figure it out.

When witnesses concoct lies, they often miss the obvious.

Every morning I wake at 6am or 6.30am, champing at the bit.

Reading is by far the most successful pursuit of happiness.

I've tried writing with music on, but I find it distracting.

There are few things in life worse than a long-winded lawyer.

I spend a lot of time outlining before I write the first word.

You need some coffee, don't you?" "Yes, I've only had a gallon.

I didn't dare think of the future; the past was still happening.

A riveting, exciting and thoroughly compelling tale of adventure.

I'm alone and outgunned, scared and inexperienced, but I'm right.

Your brain is cooked when you write hard for three or four hours.

There are always issues on the front page that need to be explored.

You live your life today, Not tommorow, and certainly not yesterday.

I'm a Christian, and those beliefs occasionally come out in the books.

He's my client, and he's counting on me. I'll take him, warts and all.

The good thing about writing fiction is that you can get back at people.

The mother of a trophy wife is not automatically a trophy mother-in-law.

I guess under the right circumstances, a man will do just about anything.

Writing's still the most difficult job I've ever had - but it's worth it.

There's always such a rush to judgment. It makes a fair trial hard to get.

I was a lawyer for 10 years - a short time, but it molded me into who I am.

Prisons are hate factories, Pastor, and society wants more and more of them.

We are extremely private, and we really got sort of ambushed by the notoriety.

In one long glorious acknowledgment of failure, he laid himself bare before God.

When you work at street level you never know who's going to walk through your door.

Still, something about writing made me spend large hours of my free time at my desk.

I've written 17 novels, and I've found out that fiction can't keep up with real life.

Keeping a guy in prison costs 50,000 bucks a year. Executing one costs a couple million.

I don't usually eat breakfast. I prefer to be asleep during the hours that it is served.

I earned my first steady paycheck watering rose bushes at a nursery for a dollar an hour.

Please give me fifty more years of work and fun, then an instant death when I'm sleeping.

After I'd been a lawyer for about five or six years, I started playing around with fiction.

Prisons are fascinating places, especially when the inmates are educated white-collar types.

How could homosexuals possibly srew up the sanctity of marriage any worse than heterosexuals?

The coffee arrives, and we backslide into what lawyers do best---talking about other lawyers.

I was tired of secrets, tired of seeing things I was not supposed to see. And so I just cried.

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