Torture doesn't work.

We can't cut and run.

The world is on fire.

I'm not President Bush

I am not President Bush.

We are an unfinished nation.

I consider myself a realist.

Iran launches monkey into space

I'm a proud Reagan conservative.

God may have mercy, but we won't.

I do believe my view has evolved.

Vladimir Putin is a war criminal.

We are a country with a conscience.

I am very much in favor of tax cuts.

It's not social issues I care about.

When you're not winning, you're losing.

Katrina did not declare a truce on Iraq.

I don't think Roger Ailes is ham-fisted.

I believe in prayer. I pray every night.

We are united in a wait-and-see approach.

Countries, not just their armies, win wars.

The facts are facts and records are records.

People want the truth, even if they disagree.

I owe America more than she has ever owed me.

I think that Fox News is a bit schizophrenic.

Bin Laden’s death and the debate over torture.

I have no rancor. I look forward, not backwards.

America's image throughout the world is very bad.

If we leave Iraq, terrorists will follow us home.

I know what war's like. I know what scene's like.

What I don't know is what the unexpected might be.

Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country.

Improve human intelligence to get Osama bin Laden.

How much damage will have been done before we act?

We need a free press. We must have it. It's vital.

Some of us are more favorably disposed than others.

Some men are much more self-sufficient than others.

3 "amnesty" didn't mean rewarding illegal behavior.

Democrats proposing failure in Iraq by withdrawing.

I will follow Osama bin Laden to the gates of hell.

Responsibility always stops at the president's desk.

Public life has many more privileges than hardships.

I'm very optimistic about my home state of Arizona...

I hate the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live.

I will veto every single beer, um, bill with earmarks.

In the 21st century nations don't invade other nations.

Certify border is secure; only then allow guest workers.

Stategy in Iraq- defeat al-Qaeda; limit Iran's influence.

Americans want to win; bin Laden thinks he's winning now.

I'm proud of my record of reform, taking on my own party.

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