Life is a pretty awesome ride.

He's got a thing for Alex Riley.

I know that there's pros and cons to everything.

I'd love to teach Roman Reigns how to work. Just kidding.

I guess when you play 'Survivor,' almost everyone gets got.

It's easy to be the Mayor of Slamtown in the wrestling ring.

Creatively, there are no limits to what you can do in the ring.

Hello I'm John Morrison and you can bounce a quarter off my abs.

The key to good art is to make something that means something to you.

Out Of Your Mind Fitness is designed to train the human body to move.

That's what defines 'Survivor': it's the ultimate test of who you are.

Millions of wrestling fans know me as Johnny Mundo, the mayor of Slamtown.

I'm John Morrison, and if God have 2 sons i would be the better looking one.

If you can do a squat and a pushup, you can build up to becoming a fitness guru.

With WWE, I mean, as a kid, I was watching 'WrestleMania,' and that was my dream.

I think that Rey Mysterio should come to 'Lucha Underground,' and I hope that he does.

All through college, I did a lot of break-dancing and all kinds of different martial arts.

I've been champion of every organization that I've worked for. I'm something extraordinary.

The thing that I didn't take into consideration is that acting, like wrestling, is a skill.

Wrestling promotions are kind of like new religions - nine out of 10 fail in the first year.

Lucha is faster paced, harder hitting, and more acrobatic than any other style of wrestling.

As far as my overall grade or performance in WWE, I'd say I did the best I could at the time.

I can always improve in the ring; I can improve on the mic. I can consistently keep improving.

I always try to associate Johnny Mundo, John Morrison, or whatever my name is with high quality.

My dream mixed-tag match has always been against the 'Macho Man' Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth.

Wrestling is a business: the more promotions the better, more opportunities for wrestlers to work.

I love being able to perform in the ring in front of people, and that's the greatest feeling in the world.

What's cool about wrestling is that you do find yourself working with very talented and very versatile opponents.

The secret of having a successful promotion is having an awesome promotion with wrestling matches that people like.

I have a singular focus, I'm a perfectionist, and I always want to prove I am the best and the best version of myself.

Working with Lucha and Mexico and all the independent wrestling I've done has made me an exponentially better performer.

This decision is an illustration that freedom of speech still protects average people sitting on a street corner singing.

I felt like I evolved into a great singles wrestler in ECW because of the opportunities to speak and wrestle longer matches.

If you've never been to a live wrestling show, you need to go to one. To understand 'Lucha Underground,' you need to watch it.

Football has an off-season. Basketball has an off-season. TV has an off-season. Everything has an off-season except wrestling.

The roster of 'Lucha Underground' would definitely be excited about a fifth season. Same thing with the producers and everybody.

I worked on 'Boone' for five years. I tried to find money for it. I couldn't. I ended up selling my house to finance it personally.

I've always appreciated a creative approach to action, doing things that people don't expect, tweaking things to make them different.

With 'Lucha Underground,' it's really tight, and you don't need to fast-forward. Everything you're watching is important and entertaining.

I'm really excited about producing my first feature, 'Boone the Bounty Hunter.' Boone is a bounty hunter that does parkour to catch skips.

When I was leaving WWE, I'd started becoming interested in applying parkour to the matches and using the ring environment in fun, new ways.

Everyone needs to move - if you're a pro athlete, a contortionist, a computer programmer, or just somebody who wants to play with their kids.

I don't own any of these names. I don't own Johnny World, Johnny Mundo, John Morrison, Johnny Nitro, Johnny Blaze or Johnny Impact. None of it.

What I think ECW presented was a big opportunity for a lot of WWE superstars. Definitely me. It revitalized my entire career when I moved to ECW.

Can I bond with people and live for 39 days without my Instagram account? Probably! But the real question for me is this: can I be happy doing that?

As far as being the guy and really the first guy with the reputation to sign on to be a part of 'Lucha Underground,' I take a great deal of pride in it.

I knew I wanted to do a movie, an action movie, and when I left WWE in 2011, I didn't specifically know. I didn't leave to do 'Boone: The Bounty Hunter.'

The best way to describe 'Tough Enough' is to just call it an opportunity. In my opinion, it's best opportunity any aspiring wrestler could possibly have.

WWE is so huge, and they have to crank out so many hours of television, so they don't have time to take the care and attention to detail for the entire roster.

Johnny Nitro was like Johnny Hollywood, Johnny Danger, Johnny Blaze... it's just an obvious stage, Hollywood name. But John Morrison is more like a real person.

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