It's a crazy world!

I really love Death Cab.

I need a long, cold winter.

I just want you to know who I am.

I like Valentine's Day. It's fun.

I get nervous around famous people.

Punk's not dead, it's just at K-Mart.

Usually albums are frontloaded with singles.

I never underestimate luck and working hard.

If Life hands you a lemon, throw it at someone

I'm a guy so I equate vulnerability with fear.

I write about everyday people, everyday lives.

We had always put ballads on all of our albums.

I feel a whole lot of gratitude for having hits.

I don't want to raise someone who feels entitled.

People who have nothing to say, speak the loudest.

I don't want people messing with my sound, my stuff.

A little renovation and reinvention is a positive thing.

We're doing everything we can to help bands from Buffalo.

Whether you are happy or miserable is completely a choice.

When KROQ played 'Name,' that was the turning point for us.

I don't write music for critics or hipsters. I write for me.

Never in my life have I met bigger rockstars than Sugar Ray.

I love the Smithsonian. I'm a real dork for that kind of stuff.

Nobody likes to hear a f**king rock star talk about his problems

I wasn't good at sports and I needed a way to make girls like me.

It's nice to see bands you could see at a bar finally get a chance.

If people are spending money to hear us, they better go home happy.

It's better to have a pocket full of regrets than to never have lived.

I was a bartender, a hot-dog vendor, a cook, sold magazine subscriptions.

Having a collection of regrets when you hit your 40s is part of the deal.

A live show is something that can never ever be duplicated on a computer.

Everyone goes To L.A. to be noticed. I went there to be completely invisible.

There's a certain vibe in my hometown; Buffalo is a city that has no illusions.

As a society, when you have your mortality slapped in your face, it changes you.

So what if America loses its empire? We never should have had one in the first place.

I want to cultivate my own sound in my own atmosphere, where the clock is not running.

The only way you fail is if you quit. That has always sort of been pounded into my head.

I think we'd sold a couple hundred records with our first album, maybe 1,000 at the most.

If you go back and listen to the album 'Name' was on, there were a lot of garage songs on it.

You grew up way too fast and now there's nothing to believe; and re-runs all become our history.

I'm ashamed to say, but as a teen, there were times when I had to go to the church and get help.

It's such a thrill to perform live. You never know if you're going to get hit with a bottle or a bra.

The first guitar I ever owned was a Kay SG copy. That cost like $35. Man, that was a terrible guitar.

I don't like critics; I really don't like them. I think most of them are ignorant and don't have a clue!

I'm not trying to chase a radio hit, but at a certain time, you can't make the same album over and over.

Whenever I get upset, I remember that it takes 42 muscles to frown and only 4 to stick up your middle finger.

I like George Will, I don't agree with him particularly, but he's probably the smartest conservative out there.

Yes, we started out as the Sex Maggots, then became the Goo Goo Dolls, well, and we're still the Goo Goo Dolls!

I just want my daughter to be respectful and nice to people. I want her to understand the importance of being humble.

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