It's lose, lose for the taxpayer

Gambling is a bad deal for taxpayers

Gambling is a catalyst for economic downturn

Movies and Disney World don't create addicts

Gambling is being subsidized by the taxpayers

A shrinking economy means lost sales and lost jobs

Legalized gambling is the leading cause of bankruptcy

Local competing businesses were thereby losing revenue.

It becomes a cannibalization of your pre-existing economy

Casinos don't bring business except for the gambling boys

Taxpayers would likely be responsible for treating addicts

Bankruptcies and addictions increase in areas with casinos

If you want your 401k to come back, recriminalize gambling

One to 2 percent of the population becomes addicted gamblers

Another threat to stability is the rise of Internet gambling

Your addiction rate will go up if you have gambling in this area

My bottom line is this is no time to be gambling with our economy

The ABCs of legalized gambling - addictions, bankruptcies and crime

We beat the Great Depression without lotteries and legalized gambling

No reputable economist anywhere believes it's gambling an economic tool

Bankruptcies increase 18 percent to 42 percent above the national average

$60,000 spent in a consumer economy multiplies by respending into $180,000

If the government wants to stimulate the economy, it should outlaw gambling

Any legislator who says he doesn't see the downside hasn't done his homework

Every video [slot] gambling machine takes $60,000 out of the consumer economy

Thirty-seven percent of gamblers dip into their savings to fulfill their habit

Legalized gambling cost taxpayers $3 for every $1 in state revenue to government

For every slot machine you add, you lose one job per year from the consumer economy

The real loss by gambling is $180,000 to the consumer economy for each slot machine

The social costs, and the increased tax costs due to addicted gamblers, stay behind

The gambling interests like to point to the construction jobs, but those jobs go away

In 1993, 40 percent of Minnesota restaurateurs reported declines attributed to casinos

27 percent to 55 percent of casino revenues come from problem or pathological gamblers

Therefore 5,000 new video gambling machines costs the economy 5,000 lost jobs each year

Studies in Australia have verified this drain on the economy by video gambling machines

This is an industry that generates addicted gamblers and they are desperate to get money

Lotteries boost state revenues in the short run but don't feed the economy in the long run

The socio-economic impact of gambling addiction is comparable to drug and alcohol addiction

The military should get rid of video gambling devices on nearly 100 overseas bases and posts

The casinos are walking out of states with at least $1 billion in their pockets to Las Vegas

Bankruptcies will be up 18 to 42 percent around racinos areas tracks as people lose their money

Gamblers spend 10 percent less on food; 25 percent less on clothing and 35 percent less on savings

Actually, they should just roll it all back get rid of gambling...It destabilizes the U.S. economy

When governments legalize and encourage gambling, they are creating addictions among their citizens

What we really need is a federal intervention plan, which calls for a moratorium on gambling in the U.S.

It's time to wipe the slate clean, recriminalize gambling, just like we did in this country 100 years ago

And as far as jobs go, for every one job that the casino creates, one is lost in the 35-mile feeder market

A study in Illinois in the mid-1990s found that 65 percent of businesses were hurt by the proximity of gambling

Gambling addicts usually lose their focus at work and problem military gambling poses a national security threat

An Osage tribal study found that between $41 million to $50 million left a 50-mile radius around their own casino

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