Never stop forgiving.

Move with the movers.

Vision sees what could be.

Men die the way they lived.

Sin will do a number on you.

God uses us to impact others.

Feel the force of forgiveness.

The enemy can steal your song.

Is your transgression forgiven?

We just planted our 21st church.

Influence is about being genuine.

God gives enabling grace to go on.

Sin is too big to be handled alone.

Apart from Jesus I am a greedy man.

Integrity gives. It is not a taker.

Forgiveness is just such a big deal.

What a blessing to live to be missed.

Everyone needs someone to believe in.

Don't ever forget where God found you.

Everyone has influence. Use it wisely.

You must emulate the truth you exhort.

Most people know who believes in them.

The word "conviction" means to expose.

It's very different to live with a mask.

Most people don't believe in themselves.

We can influence people for bad or good.

You can't forgive your sin. Only God can.

The Christian life is anything but boring.

You can't lead people you don't believe in.

I've never missed anything I've given away.

You cannot lead people you do not influence.

God wants an opportunity to prove who He is.

We ought to love the sinner and hate OUR sin.

As a pastor our main ministry is exhortation.

I want to model generosity and touch poverty.

If we don't own our manhood someone else will.

Forgiven sin is better than accumulated wrath.

Some people are into position, not the mission.

Forgiveness is not cheap even though it's free.

Show more interest in their story than your own.

To influence others must keep growing themselves.

Most people don't have someone to believe in them.

Identify with failures in others by listing yours.

What seems over your head is always under His feet.

In order to receive a pardon you must plead guilty.

Human speculation is no match for divine revelation.

It's not so much what you win, it's what you become.

You can cross the line but you can also be forgiven.

The emotional people...You tap into people's hearts.

You're never more like Jesus than when you're giving.

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