You only live once. Life is a show

You only live once. Life is a show.

Out of ugly, make something beautiful.

I'm an insomniac. Ambien is my best friend.

I'm an ice skater. I'm all about the glitter.

I don't want to spend my life on an ice cube.

I have a whole fur closet. I'm not afraid of PETA.

I drink Vitamin Water nonstop - I should have an IV.

I'm a huge fur fan; it's no secret to anyone anymore.

Every little boy should be so lucky as to turn into me.

Anytime you get men in glitter, it's a flamboyant occasion!

I don't eat as much as an athlete should. I just don't like it.

Some people eat, some people drink, some people smoke. I Pledge.

I grew my beard out a little bit just to show that indeed I am a man.

I grew my beard out a little bit just to show that, indeed, I am a man.

The gymnastic events are really what I tune into the Summer Olympics for.

I'm very inspired by the artfulness and soulfulness of the Russian people.

To be honest, I just want to go somewhere where I can wear a white Speedo.

I think being in the public eye can only help me launch into the world of fashion.

I definitely feel like I'm more of an artist than an athlete. But I'm good at both.

I will be 60 or 70 years old still rocking my Chanel blazer with my hair all coiffed.

Don't bring a prop. It's almost like they were afraid nobody would know who they are.

To me, skating should look effortless even when you're doing the hardest of elements.

I showed myself a lesser version of myself that night, and I’m glad I learned from it.

Now the fact that people are saying, 'Oh my God, he's finally come out' - I was never in.

I would love to be a spokes model for Karl Lagerfeld or Balenciaga or something like that.

To sum up my idea of on-ice costume fashion sense, it's probably that too much is never enough.

Nobody gets lucky all the time. Nobody can win all the time. Nobody's a robot. Nobody's perfect.

I'm hoping my presence alone in Russia will be a show of strength for the Russian LGBT community.

I've always wanted to make a music video with skating and different imagery, something very artistic.

I have always thought that being a good American is appreciating the world, not just your own country.

I'd say in general, my style is Johnny Weir style. It's my style. I can't classify it as anything else.

I'm a tough person. I wasn't afraid of other kids because I understood that someday they'd wash my car.

I love skating and sparkling and flying around the ice, and people clap for you. It's an amazing feeling.

I want to create things while I have time on Earth, and the art of costume and culture has always inspired me.

There are some things I keep sacred. My middle name. Who I sleep with. And what kind of hand moisturizer I use.

I definitely don't think of myself as an actual male model. I'm far too short and my legs are far too muscular.

To me, figure skating is an art form, and that's what I always try to bring in, even to my competitive programs.

That makes me think of spandex-covered football players. It's not me. I'm in rhinestones and velvet, not spandex.

I’m good when I’m alone. I’m comfortable when I’m alone. I can sit and do lots of things all by myself. Sex included.

I wouldn't participate in 'Stars on Ice' if I were asked. I find it an amateurish tour in a way, the production quality.

I am often criticized for spending too much time off the ice, but if you were in my shoes, you'd see how necessary it is.

I’ve held onto Ugg boots. I will never graduate to Crocs, but Ugg boots are always and forever. That’s my fashion stepchild.

Finding someone to share your life with is one of the most important things a human can do and was preached to me by my mother.

Figure skating is theatrical. It's artistic. It's elegant. It's extremely athletic. And there's a very specific audience for that.

We are each an army of one. March forward with your army, never let go of your future and never listen to idiots who tell you ‘no.’

Despite the usual idea of a figure skater, I have no rhythm when it comes to even walking off the ice. I fall off curbs all the time.

When you are an athlete, it's difficult to take time off and say you want to come back without everyone judging you and attacking you.

I'm going to skate exactly the way I want to, create programs that I like, and everything will fall into place where it is supposed to.

I still have so much passion to perform... That's who Johnny Weir is: I'm a figure skater, I'm an athlete. I want to have fun and enjoy it.

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