The shadow proves the sunshine.

Think deeply about life, it's worth it!

We were meant to live for so much more.

Nothing stays together without a fight.

Music is what I do; Christ is why I do it.

If it doesn't break your heart it isn't love

Sometimes the things that hurt are worth the pain.

Music will always be judged by our subjective ears.

I'm very reluctant to put my words into God's mouth.

Music is admitted under the skin without permission.

It's a great thing to see the strength of simplicity.

The unasked questions are the most dangerous to answer.

I love the idea that you can create a world through song.

Hope is not a substitute for pain. Hope is in spite of pain.

There’s nothing that you can sell me that can make me happy.

My dying planet needs to see what the body of Christ looks like.

Please be slow to judge ‘brothers’ who have a different calling.

Faith, hope, and love remain. But the greatest of these is love.

I'm not really one to be on camera, I'd rather be writing songs.

There’s a time to be silent - to build up a reason to sing again.

I simply want the music to to find its way to open-minded people.

Anything worth doing in this world is incredibly difficult to do.

All music is worship. It just depends on what you’re worshipping.

I think that's the beauty of live music - creating from the destruction.

I think sunrises are rarer for me, but sunset is my favourite time of day.

Why is it that everything is collapsing if gravity is pulling us together?

If comparison is the thief of joy, then our culture is being robbed blind.

Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love another.

Celebrity is a currency with an exchange rate almost as strong as anonymity.

Life is a battlefield. I don't have enough time on the planet to play games.

There are tears that shine like a smile, sobbing like a sunrise for the truth.

I don’t think we can solve the outside problems until we solve the ones within.

It’s a good thing my parents named me Jon because that’s what everyone calls me.

If you're leaving your family behind, you better believe in what you're singing.

Live rather than talk. Talk is cheap and the tabloids scream about it every day.

Well, the funny thing is, you are never the same person that you were the day before.

I've never really had a desk job, but I've died one day at a time all over the place.

As far as when I'm writing a song, I think I'm writing first and foremost for myself.

The tendency in today's culture is to want to be a 'star', but I want to be a servant.

That's what life is, a continual state of journey. You are a river passing downstream.

In my opinion, the best way of showing someone the best way to live life is by living it.

Maybe truth is not something that I can possess. Maybe truth is something which possesses me.

Happiness is like peeing in your pants. Everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth.

When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade. But when life hands you hurricanes, you go surfing.

Jesus Christ's mercy and power indwells us and gives us the strength to make a positive difference.

Information has become king, whereas wisdom should be king and there is a big difference between the two.

Let me know that you hear me, let me know Your touch, let me know that You love me, and let that be enough

It was a beautiful letdown, the day I knew, that all the riches this world had to offer me, will never do.

The beauty of what I read in the gospel is the intimacy of what we're called to, that there's no middle man.

I look for places where there's no one out on the water. I'd rather surf a wave to myself than fight a crowd.

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