Let's shut down the EPA.

Healthcare costs are rising due to Obamacare.

I worked the morning biscuit line at Hardee's.

I don’t know the science behind climate change.

I say scrap the IRS. Let's start all over again.

There's a lot we can achieve if we work together.

We are way overstepping bounds as federal legislators.

You just need the freedom to dream big and a whole lot of hard work.

The forces of violence and oppression don't care about the innocent.

You don't need to come from wealth or privilege to make a difference.

It's time to stop spending money we don't have and balance the budget.

Let’s shut down the EPA. The state knows best how to protect resources.

I have not seen proven proof that [climate change] is entirely man-made.

You have to be committed to expand rights and opportunities for all women.

What's right for New York or California, is not necessarily right for Iowa.

I do have reason to believe there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

I am very proud of my service, and by law, I am defined as a combat veteran.

Healthcare should be about market driven solutions, not government mandates.

I do believe that we need to lower taxes on our hard working Iowans immediately.

Cleaning up the mess in Washington is gonna take a whole lot of Iowa common sense.

I believe that wholeheartedly - that we have to maintain a strong national defense.

Republicans think tax filing should be easier for you, not just the well-connected.

When we do go to combat, it should be with a defined mission and a plan for withdrawal.

We need to balance the budget and force Washington to stop spending more than it takes in.

My parents taught us to live within our means. It's time to force Washington to do the same.

I have a beautiful little Smith & Wesson, 9 millimeter, and it goes with me virtually everywhere.

I grew up castrating hogs on an Iowa farm, so when I come to Washington, I'll know how to cut pork.

I think we do have cyclic changes in weather, and I think that's been throughout the course of history.

Our fighters would be nowhere if they didn't have the support coming from folks like those that served with me.

I am deeply concerned for the safety of our people brought by a lack of a comprehensive strategy to defeat ISIL.

Taxpayers should not be on the hook for subsidizing former presidents' lives to the tune of millions of dollars.

When I get to Washington, I'll know how to cut pork. Washington is full of big spenders. Let's make them squeal.

We want Iowa to remain red. We have worked so hard to get here. We will not be a purple state: we will be a red state.

I can tell you that the Iowa way - the Iowa way is to find out that there is a problem and acknowledge it and address it head-on.

In the U.S. Senate, in the short term we need to reduce the tax burden on hard working individuals, families, and small businesses.

I don't know the science behind climate change. I can't say one way or another what is the direct impact, whether it's man-made or not.

It will take hard work, but doing nothing on Social Security, for example, simply makes sure the system will go broke. It's time to make some reforms.

As a soldier and combat veteran, I believe American military forces should only be used in the defense and furtherance of our nation's vital interests.

We need to repeal and replace Obamacare. It is the largest tax in U.S. history, has proven to be a job-killer, and has driven up the cost of healthcare.

As a young girl, I plowed the fields of our family farm. I worked construction with my dad. To save for college, I worked the morning biscuit line at Hardees.

I have never once claimed that I have a Combat Action Badge. I have never claimed that I have a Purple Heart. What I have claimed is that I have served in a combat zone.

I believe that businesses will do what is best for their business. I don't know that the government needs to be stepping in and telling them, 'This is what you will do.'

I do not support a federal minimum wage. I think every state has a different economy, a different cost of living. I don't believe that's the role of the federal government.

I am a woman and, second, I have been to war. I am a combat veteran. This is not a war on women, and anytime Democrats use the word 'war,' they need to do it to honor our servicemen and women.

In the Iowa senate, I helped pass the largest tax cut in state history - returning over four billion dollars in savings and putting more money back in the pockets of hard-working Iowa families.

We have to have somebody that will express conservative views, of course, and I'm looking for somebody that is very Reaganesque. Someone that can reach all aspects of our voting population here in America.

As a veteran, I believe we have a responsibility to take care of all our men and women who have served - and I will fight to fix the crisis at the Veterans Administration caused by negligent leadership in Washington.

I grew up working for the minimum wage at Hardee's and knows first hand how important the minimum wage is. I support a state based minimum wage so every state can set their own minimum wage based on their cost of living.

I do believe in the right to carry, and I believe in the right to defend myself and my family -- whether it's from an intruder, or whether it's from a government, should they decide that my rights are no longer important.

The push for 'Meatless Mondays' in our military is misguided at best and goes against dietary guidelines. Our men and women in uniform should have the option to consume the protein they need, including meat, on a daily basis.

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