I'm just a normal lad.

I am able to mentally block out mistakes.

I've saved a few penalties; I'm good at them.

The important thing is to react well to your mistakes.

I want to become the best person as a goalkeeper I can be.

The more games you play, the more game management you learn.

If you're not ambitious, there's no point in playing football.

Criticism doesn't affect me. It just makes me want to be better.

I have always said you only get one shot in life as a footballer.

It's never nice to make mistakes, but it's just how you bounce back.

I'm always ready to play when called upon; that's why I train so hard.

It means a lot to be voted for awards by the fans and your team-mates.

Every chance I've had, I've grabbed the chance to wear the No. 1 shirt.

A goalkeeper's mistakes are always crucial ones - or get talked about a lot.

I try not to do tricks because I don't want to be caught with it. It's a risk.

I'm just a lad who likes playing football. I'm not bothered about anything else.

There is always a case as a goalkeeper, if you make an error, it will lead to a goal.

I know if I have played well or badly. I always ask my dad, and he tells me straight.

It is all about concentration, and the more games you play, the more you concentrate.

As a goalkeeper, you've got to have mental toughness, and that's one thing I'm good at.

I always wanted to be going out on loan and playing football and maturing as a goalkeeper.

You don't want to get too comfortable if you're winning and start trying to be a number 10.

You know yourself if you are doing well, and I think my form shouldn't be getting questioned.

I hate making mistakes, and I hate conceding goals, but I try not to beat myself up too much.

The pitch is always going to be the same lines, same goal height. It's just a game of football.

I don't practice many penalties! I don't mind taking them but don't really practice saving many.

I would advise that if you can get out on loan and play football, it is the best path to go down.

I've been critcised for going with my top hand, but as long as you save it, that's all that counts.

As long as I'm communicating and staying in the game, my concentration is always going to be there.

It is nice when other keepers say, 'Well done for last summer.' Petr Cech said that. It is touching.

I know straight away if I can do better. It doesn't take people to criticise me for me to realise it.

I wasn't going to McDonald's every week, but a nice pizza after three points isn't a bad way to have it.

Freak mistakes happen sometimes as a goalkeeper that if you make them, then it's always going to bite you.

The quality of goalkeepers is very good in the Premier League - and you have to be good at using your feet.

Being through the England set-up since I was a young lad, passing was the style of football I grew up with.

While at Sunderland, I was No. 13, which I'd worn since I was 18, so it proved to be a decent number for me.

The Manchester City game is what the Premier League is all about. You have to thrive on those big occasions.

I know I'm only 24, but I know in my head already I am mature, because I've got the right mental side of it.

I was growing up watching Rooney as an England legend and as one of the top players in England in my lifetime.

So long as I keep performing week in, week out for Everton, I will have the chance to stay England number one.

England fans are a different class. When the fans are like that, it makes us even better and so much more relaxed.

Sometimes, off the field you learn the most, becoming a better person, and nutritionally, I've worked a lot on it.

It's my job to be a goalkeeper and keep the ball out of the net, and that's what I've done. I've kept a clean sheet.

I watched football, but I was a kid who really preferred being out on the street with my mates playing hide and seek!

No, I never go into a game with any doubts. I always feel confident in my ability, and hopefully I can be strong mentally.

Physical activity can help improve your mental health, as it helps to take your mind off things if you are having a bad time.

I got a lot of games under my belt in the lower leagues, and I don't feel the Premier League or England is that much different.

Nothing really affects me. That's from being brought up well by my parents and where we're from, and we're a hard working family.

We do about 600 saves in a training week, just for that one save on a match day. That's why you've got to be in the game at all times.

I don't worry about being the best keeper in the tournament. I just focus on being the best I possibly can for myself and for the team.

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