I am just a player like everyone else.

The Champions League is very difficult.

Sarri was my manager, he wasn't my friend.

It's perfect to be the same as everyone else.

I am very happy in London and to be at Chelsea.

I like to control the ball and analyse the game.

I have an open mind to learning new experiences.

I'm really happy with my choice to be here at Chelsea.

There are a lot of things behind a negotiation process.

My mum has always been by my side for every decision I take.

The Premier League has forced me to develop different skills.

I sing the Italian anthem with all my soul, with my whole body.

There will always be criticism, but I remained calm and relaxed.

I think Sarri has grown a lot and learned a lot in the Premier League.

I always think about the difficulties I had to make sure I don't get too comfortable.

Serie A will always be one of the best leagues in the world. I hope to go back one day.

I think that Sarri's formation and playing with a midfield three have been fundamental for me.

The recognition and praise from Guardiola, a coach so important to world football, is spectacular.

There were various things behind my departure from Napoli. The will of just one party is not enough.

The fans are entitled to have their opinion of course, to be supporters and to think whatever they like.

I like playing just outside of my own penalty box, the player who receives the ball and organises the game.

I'm a very versatile player, I have covered many midfield roles but my favourite one is the centre-midfield.

Before I receive the ball I already know how that play is developing so I'm able to give rhythm to that play.

My characteristics are to control the game, stay in the middle and organise the team, but I can adapt as well.

I'm always looking to know what I'm going to do before I receive the ball in order to make my team play better.

Eden Hazard is someone who every time he touches the ball you feel he's going to score or pull off an amazing move.

Roberto Mancini is putting his faith in me for the Nazionale and I am trying to prove on the field that I deserve that.

Of course we believe we can always improve because the moment that you think you cannot improve anymore you go backwards.

I am absolutely ecstatic to be here at Chelsea. It is not easy to become part of such a big team so I am very, very happy.

I have grown up as a player watching many champions like Pirlo and Xavi. I have watched them and tried to learn from how they do things.

Today I live a dream and it is not only mine. It's my mom's, my sister's, my father's, it's a dream for those that love me, for people around me.

I've had tough times before. Leaving Brazil when I was so young, saying goodbye to my family and friends to go to another culture, that was so difficult.

My position is one that brings balance to the team. It's a position where I'm always playing with one or two touches and I keep the rhythm of the play going.

I think the Premier League suits my game, but it also depends on who I have next to me because I need to be surrounded by players with certain characteristics.

The Premier League is really nice, it's wonderful. It is also quite difficult to explain certain things. You need to experience them personally to take it all in.

It was tough moving to Italy so young. You don't have much experience of life, you are leaving your family and everything behind to go to another country and another culture.

It's just great that I can see the fans looking at who I am, Jorginho the player, and at the same time I'm really happy to look at them and see their reaction and feel their support.

Pukki has a bit of everything, which makes him a complete striker. He times his runs well, is very intelligent in his positioning, runs hard, presses opponents and never stops moving.

The little bit of my Brazilian side in Azzurri is perhaps to play more with the ball on the ground and have the tranquility to hold the ball. The idea is to have more control of the game.

I received a lot of criticism maybe because in England they are not accustomed to seeing a playmaker with my skills. Because I'm not a physical player but I think more about playing the ball.

How could I not talk about her? It's impossible not to mention my mum. She is, has been and will always be amazing - everything that she's done for me and that she still does. We are very close.

She was the one getting me to practise football. My father has helped in other ways but my mum was the one grabbing the ball and telling me: 'Come on! Let's practise now. Let's go. Right, right, left, left.'

There are some key words that I have learned: the first ones are humility and determination; they are fundamental to reach certain levels. I want to continue like this, working hard without ever feeling satisfied.

I was playing in a tournament in Brazil and an agent scouted me. He took me to his soccer school. The idea was he used it to scout players and anyone he thought was good enough he took over to Italy. That's what he did with me when I was 15.

Ultimately, all the fans hope for is that their team wins and that the players give their all. So if you work hard, leave everything out on the pitch and achieve good results, then these are all of the necessary ingredients to make sure you are liked.

Look, I have a completely normal relationship with Sarri. I don't go out for dinner with him. I don't go round to his house. Our work is very professional: he speaks and explains what he wants me to do, and I try to implement what he wants on the pitch.

There are teams in England who play the football I like, keeping the ball on the ground, playing a quick game with one-twos, pressing their opponents high up the pitch. If one of these clubs were interested in me, I'd adapt to them well, and they could adapt to my way of playing, which isn't so common.

I have my way of doing things, because I am that way, I try to raise my voice to motivate team-mates and make them aware that if they lose a ball it is not a problem, so I try to motivate my team-mates and to speak to them and, because I see the game from the back I see everything in front of me; communication on the field can help a lot.

Initially when I moved over to Italy it was really easy because I was living my dream. Everything was brand new. Then I began to get into the routine: training, school, home, home, school, training. That's all I did for 18 months. I had 20 euros to live on a week and I couldn't do anything else, because you can't with that amount of money.

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