Israel is a producer of growth.

Our planet is warming dangerously.

I say just put a big fat tax on carbon.

It is not good to cut exports or imports.

Labour and land are always politically sensitive.

Our mission is to make the world economy work better.

I was strongly against Brexit. I speechified against Brexit.

You can accuse Europeans of being many things - except fast.

The social contract is starting to unravel in many countries.

I think there are going to be more countries joining the euro.

Ending our reliance on fossil fuels was never going to be easy.

Words must be matched by action if change is to become lasting.

Everywhere, you have a fatigue for reform... that's very serious.

Providing investors with recourse against governments is valuable.

The euro is going to continue to be the largest single trading block.

It takes collaboration across a community to develop better skills for better lives.

Japan's future prospects depend on ensuring fiscal sustainability over the long term.

Every single stage of reform becomes more difficult because you use political capital.

History is full of lessons for how water crises could have been avoided or better managed.

It will be crucial the E.U. and the U.K. maintain the closest economic relationship possible.

There is no reason for women to trail behind men in social, economic, and political outcomes.

I said a vote to leave would be a Brexit tax. I couldn't think of anything stronger than that.

The idea that if governments open up and become more democratic they will fall is a false dilemma.

Why did we lose Brexit? Why, because 60 per cent of youth didn't believe they needed to go and vote.

We cannot sustain long-term growth in our economies if we do not protect and preserve our environment.

Uncertainty and fears of social decline and exclusion have reached the middle class in many societies.

Governments need to be seriously sceptical about whether new coal provides a good deal for their citizens.

The U.K. is much stronger as a part of Europe, and Europe is much stronger with the U.K. as a driving force.

Those who argue for Brexit are wrong, and that is because they have not been properly informed about the costs.

The OECD deals with the economic aspects of a host of issues, including education, health, and the environment.

We are totally schizophrenic. We are trying to reduce emissions, and we subsidize the consumption of fossil fuels.

I was an economist out of the National University of Mexico, where you lived the realities of Mexico all the time.

The OECD should promote everything that's consistent with its mandate, which is to make the world economy work better.

When, as an individual, you are not paying taxes, it is evasion. As a corporate, it is legal shrewdness or tax engineering.

When a large financial institution is allowed to fail, you put in jeopardy hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people.

Some challenges remain, but the bottom line is that low-carbon options can and should play a much greater role in energy supply.

There probably could be some mileage in running a comparative study about how best to finance electoral campaigns around the world.

To give students the best possible chance to succeed, education must prepare them to handle issues that transcend national boundaries.

Principles of fair and equitable treatment included in many treaties are uncontroversial as general principles of good public governance.

If we want a stronger, cleaner, and fairer world economy, we need to deal with the controversial areas of globalisation, such as tax havens.

More dangerous than voting for change... is that people no longer vote because they have lost trust not only in governments but in democracy.

In order to encourage private investors to pursue long-term, responsible projects, governments need to promote consistent policies and frameworks.

At the OECD, we stand ready to continue to help our member and partner countries to design, promote, and implement Better Policies for Better Lives.

In the face of sluggish growth, aging societies, and increasing educational attainment of young women, the economic case for gender equality is clear.

Some politicians fear the burden that migrants will impose on local communities and taxpayers. Others fear extremists masquerading as genuine refugees.

If you are trying to favor the unions by having more rigid labor market and keeping wages very high, you could be blocking people from getting new jobs.

Water security is not just for domestic policies. International co-operation is crucial to sustainably manage trans-boundary water bodies and river basins.

Countries like Japan do not have to change their cultures to address their educational shortcomings; they simply have to adjust their policies and practices.

Nobody in their right mind will even attempt or even think of leaving the European Union, because they will understand that it is not in their best interest.

In a country like Mexico, you can't forget about poverty - about how half of the population lives in poverty, and how half of that half live in extreme poverty.

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