I hate fame.

Oh, I am a prompt person!

Bullies are just ignorant.

For me, I love auditioning.

It's cool to play a vampire.

I'm not a big TV guy, though.

Being a heart throb would be crazy.

I don't like being treated differently.

I actually got really good at unicycling.

I'm a big fan of the older vampire movies.

I'm a big romantic, traditional, cheesy guy.

There's often a natural inclination to want more.

I really love my stylists, they really get what I like.

I love getting dressed up doing the whole premiere look.

Auditioning is always so different for different things.

When you get to play a character that's in love, it's cool.

Holden Caulfield is the best character in literature, period.

I love doing roles and movies that are different from each other.

It's cool to play a vampire and be a part of this new, hot genre.

I love the fan support, though, because it all comes from passion.

Ever since I first started acting I've wanted to have a long career.

I'm all about flannels and layers, so that's pretty much what I rock.

Well, food's always the way to anybody's heart, I think, guy or girl.

I know my life is full of awkward pauses, and I think it's hilarious.

I play basketball probably four to five days a week when I'm back home.

Once you're in love, you have that excuse to go and do whatever you want.

I'm pretty simple, I don't use a hairbrush or a certain kind of hair product.

Luckily, no one I've ever been in love with has needed me to save their life!

When you think hotness appeal, vampires automatically fall into that category.

It's hard to know who to choose when you admire two people who are so different.

The way I look at it, movies are a different medium for storytelling than books.

My personal style has seen so many highs and lows. Probably more lows than highs.

I’ve met guys all the time that I’m like, Damn, that’s a good-looking guy, you know?

I've been in love before, every love-relationship is tough and it has its challenges.

My main source of reading is scripts, which doesn't leave a whole lot of room for books.

There are a lot of characters that you can get into that don't exist in the studio world.

One of the fans had a poster that said, 'I'm a Peeta-file. That was probably the best one.

I've always been a big supporter of equal rights and encouraging people to be who they are.

T-shirt and jeans style now is where I'm at. Maybe a little rock 'n' roll T-shirt and jeans.

Our lives are not just measured in years. They are measured in the lives we touch around us.

Overall, vampires are a much more refined people; vampinese are much more barbarian and monstrous.

With every single role, you're not going to get a role unless you invest your whole heart into it.

I've learned a lot about how people have to fight through their whole lives just to be themselves.

Working with amazing people, you continue to learn and develop yourself, as an actor and as a person.

There's definitely a large fan base for the 'Twilight' and 'Harry Potter' movies that need their next fix.

In all honesty I think that I've had a very normal life, even though I've been making movies since I was 9.

I didn't go to high school, so I don't have a high school experience. I was home-schooled during high school.

My mom is the greatest mom in the whole wide world. She's done everything for me to make my dreams come true.

When you have love in a story, it gives you the freedom to really take the characters to very interesting places.

I still get a little nervous when talking to girls. Which is awful, and embarrassing, because I feel like I shouldn't.

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