We can improve our relationships with others by leaps and bounds if we become encouragers instead of critics.

Grace keeps us from worrying because worry deals with the past, while grace deals with the present and future.

Love can melt the hardest heart, heal the wounds of the broken heart and quiet the fears of the anxious heart.

There’s nothing more dangerous to the kingdom of darkness than a believer with the Word of God in their mouth.

The only way to break the chains of fear and doubt is to know in your heart that God loves you-no matter what.

I wonder how many times people give up just before a breakthrough - when they are on the very brink of success.

God is a good choice to lean on. He has a proven record of faithfulness to those who commit their lives to Him.

After years of abuse, it was difficult for me to understand God's love. It took me years to truly understand it.

A positive attitude gives you power over your circumstances instead of your circumstances having power over you.

The one thing everybody's looking for is unconditional love. We all need somebody to love us just the way we are

I want to encourage you to place yourself totally into God's hands and allow Him to be the Manager of your life.

I would rather stay positive and get 50 percent good results, than stay negative and get 100 percent bad results!

We have to get rid of excuses, no matter why you are the way you are, don't let it be an excuse to stay that way.

You're worth something because God says you're worth something-not because of what people think or say about you.

As a Christian, instead of concentrating on how you feel, focus on what you know to be truth from the Word of God.

Forgive the person who badly hurt you long ago and also the stranger who stepped on your toe in the grocery store.

My father was a mean, controlling and manipulative person for most of his life. He was unpredictable and unstable.

Nobody likes to have trouble. The moment we get a hint that it's coming, a common response is, 'Oh no! Not again!'

One might say that our words are a movie screen that reveals what we have been thinking and the attitudes we have.

Don't build walls and shut people out of your life. To act as if another does not exist is a mean and cruel weapon

Don't be afraid to step out, have dreams, have visions, have hopes and always, always, always believe in miracles.

Watch out for the joy-stealers: gossip, criticism, complaining, faultfinding, and a negative, judgmental attitude.

The Bible is no ordinary book. The words are like medicine to your soul, and it has the power to change your life!

Potential is a priceless treasure, like gold. All of us have gold hidden within, but we have to dig to get it out.

Sometimes if you got a problem deep rooted in your life, it takes a little bit of time to overcome it in that area.

Place your desires before God. Pray about them and trust God to give them to you if and when they’re right for you.

We don't have to wait for something nice to happen to us, we can be aggressive and do something nice for ourselves.

Everything God ever asks you to do, even if it's difficult, He asks because He has something great in mind for you.

Some people are hurting so bad you have to do more than preach a message to them. You have to BE a message to them.

We all need God's power in our lives, and prayer is the dynamic that releases His power, sometimes in dramatic ways.

Why is it that although it takes us years to get into our messes, we expect God to get us out of them in a few days?

Our prayers are heard by God not according to what we try to be when we pray, but who we are when we are not praying

God isn't keeping a record of each time we fall, but He is excited about our progress, and we should be excited, too!

It is sad that today many times people give up in the hard times and never get to enjoy the fruit of all their labor.

It's amazing to me the number of people who will volunteer to help at church but won't lift a finger to help at home!

Every time you look in the mirror remember that God created you and that everything He creates is beautiful and good!

I don't want to spend my whole life talking about the promised land without ever getting there. I want to live in it.

Romans 6 - Our flesh is the instrument that Satan works through. When we say no to the flesh, we say no to the devil.

Everything you do is a seed that you sow. Seed bad, harvest bad. Seed good, harvest good. And the list goes on and on.

If you're fighting moodiness and depression you don't want to hang around a bunch of other moody and depressed people.

I like to talk to myself ahead of time so when temptation comes, I've already made up my mind that I have the victory.

I have learned God doesn't always change those people we want Him to change; instead, He often uses them to change us.

We must remember there are different seasons in our lives and let God do what He wants to do in each of those seasons.

Learning to live for others isn't something that just comes naturally to anybody. You have to train yourself to do it.

If you want to be successful at being yourself, you’re going to have to take a chance on not being like everyone else.

Humility is not something that comes naturally. But it is a cardinal virtue that should be pursued more than any other.

Frustration is a sign I am acting independently. The more you try your own way, the tighter the doors will stay closed.

If we are to receive the blessings God wants to bestow upon us, we must be willing to give Him the messes in our lives.

Whatever your situation, God wants to heal you, strengthen you, and lead you to a place where you can enjoy life again.

We are not filled with the Spirit of God to do easy things. He fills us with His Spirit so we can do impossible things.

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