Every day is a gift from God. Learn to focus on the Giver and enjoy ...

Every day is a gift from God. Learn to focus on the Giver and enjoy the gift!

The power of God is available to you today to help you do whatever ...

The power of God is available to you today to help you do whatever you need to do and with a smile on your face!

Focus on giving smiles away and you will always discover that your ...

Focus on giving smiles away and you will always discover that your own smiles will always be in great supply!

Encourage everyone you meet with a smile or compliment. Make them ...

Encourage everyone you meet with a smile or compliment. Make them feel better when you leave their presence and they will always be glad to see you coming.

Victory is not the absence of problems, it is the presence of power.

Victory is not the absence of problems, it is the presence of power.

You are not hopeless. You are not helpless. Because there is a God ...

You are not hopeless. You are not helpless. Because there is a God who is alive and loves you!

Don't waste your time being upset about something you can't change. ...

Don't waste your time being upset about something you can't change. Begin again and do it better this time.

God hears and He sees, and you are not alone in your struggles. ...

God hears and He sees, and you are not alone in your struggles. Remain firm and stable, for God has your deliverance planned.

Remember God is not surprised by your inabilities, your ...

Remember God is not surprised by your inabilities, your imperfections, or your faults.  He has always known everything about you that you are just now finding out, and he chose you on purpose for himself.

New level, New devil.

Unity increases power.

Trusting God brings life.

Life is not fair; God is.

My teachings are my life.

Teenagers are people too!

Humble people ask for help.

I’m living now in my reward.

God can't drive a parked car.

Be a blessing to someone else.

Words are containers for power

Seek His face and not His hand.

Until you pray, God cannot work.

All complaining comes from pride.

Were all important in god's eyes.

You can't be pitiful AND powerful.

Excellence is going the extra mile.

Anger is the fruit of rotten roots.

We need a backbone, not a wishbone.

Love gives life purpose and meaning.

Where the mind goes, the man follows.

Our problems are God's opportunities.

Today is a brand new beginning for me!

God is not there just for emergencies.

I like to work and am a focused person.

All of our problems start in our minds.

We cannot know God apart from His Word.

Forgiveness is a CHOICE, not a feeling.

Don't let your feelings be a God to you.

If we do our best, God will do the rest.

Have God make a message out of your mess.

A BMW can't take you as far as a diploma.

I was in a terrible mess in my childhood.

Listening is an important key to HEARING.

Fear is a spirit that produces a feeling.

Deadly emotions, buried alive, never die.

Don’t run to the phone, run to the throne.

Keep walking the walk, one step at a time.

God never promised us a trouble-free life.

Complain and remain. Praise and be raised.

The right timing is not always our timing.

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