Everything I do is about improvement.

I would like to win the Premier League.

Football is not about money but emotions.

It is true that footballers are mistrustful.

The storm will pass and the sun will rise again.

It would be great to play until I'm 40 like Ryan Giggs.

I like creative players and players who do different things.

Who is shorter, me or David Silva? I don't know. Probably him.

I like to be in contact with the ball, have possession, to play.

The managers I've known all had their own specific way of working.

Obviously, when I play well and win a trophy, I feel happy about myself.

I just wanted to go to a place where I would feel happy and I am happy now.

My adaptation on the pitch has gone in parallel with my adaptation to London.

Football is losing its essence: people talk about celebrations instead of goals.

The most important and the better feeling in football, for me, is scoring a goal.

Everything depends on the club more than the player: the quantities, the paperwork.

When you are in a club like Manchester United, you have a lot of pressure around you.

I'm at the fantastic club that is Manchester United, one of the biggest in the world.

One of the first lessons I learned in football is that it takes a team to win a game.

Like any footballer, I love to play. I love to feel important. I love to enjoy the game.

I will always be grateful to Chelsea, to the players, the directors, the owner, the fans.

Football sometimes has a bad reputation. Some of that is deserved... and some of it isn't.

If you want to give 100 per cent, you have to feel that you are important for the manager.

Winning the World Cup is something that will always be inside your mind and inside your body.

Through Common Goal, we're creating a collaborative way for football to give back to society.

The only thing I think about is helping the team, respecting all my team-mates, not being selfish.

It's amazing knowing that a club like Manchester United is interested in you. It's a good feeling.

That's what I work for every day: training and playing to the maximum, trying to do the best I can.

I have always been a very positive person and tried to bring the positives from the hardest moments.

The business side of football makes it seem as though the owners are now more important than the fans.

Football's incomparable to anything else - perhaps only music has that same power to transform society.

I've been in England for a while, but it's true that at times you miss home, your family, your friends.

I feel privileged to play for Manchester United. It is something, when I'm old, I will always be proud of.

It will be nice to play against Australia. It's a great country, and football is getting bigger and bigger.

Luck - it's key for every footballer's career. I have been incredibly lucky during my career and in my life.

I just want to be playing! I love to play. But I think I can play in the three positions behind the striker.

If a luxury player is a player who scores and assists and has good stats, then I'm happy to be a luxury player.

I think every footballer, after 20 years playing football, the first thing that comes to your mind is to relax.

For me, it would be the perfect summer to play in the Euros and then the Olympics. My desire is to play in both.

Chelsea is a top club, and I have many friends there, but you cannot turn down the chance to join Manchester United.

I train a lot. After training sessions, I like to stay with some balls and some goalkeepers - they help me a lot, too.

Obviously, when you've made a great assist... is a great feeling, but obviously, the best feeling is to score yourself.

I cannot control what people think. But I can control myself and my aim, and my head is focused on trying to win trophies.

A win doesn't last too long, and it happens the same way with a defeat. You have the chance to make it up soon afterwards.

I've scored as many goals for Manchester United in the Premier League as for Chelsea, but in something like 30 games less.

There are so many clubs with great squads, good managers, good financial situations that allows them to sign good players.

I am thrilled to be joining United. I have enjoyed some very happy years at Chelsea, but the time has come for a new challenge.

Maybe the yoga I do helps me to play as much as I do. It certainly gets you in the right frame of mind, stretches and relaxes you.

I think that being confident gives you more freedom. It liberates you, helps you have the courage to do things on the football pitch.

I like the Common Goal initiative, the vision of football as a tool for social change and the power football has to improve the world.

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