Tell me something wicked.

Love works in mysterious ways.

Love was the best present of all.

Weakness never got anyone anywhere.

Everyone has secrets. Especially me.

Just be quiet and accept the praise.

the unexpected moment [is] always sweeter.

Be careful what you wish for,her mind thundered.

In this room,in this minite,she was his everything

She needed him to be him. Even if he could not be hers.

A lot could happen in a week. Just look at the last one.

I won't be satisfied with anything less than everything.

Your heart is free now." "No," he whispered. "It's yours.

There was a huge difference between dislike and disregard.

If one didn't have love, was it better, then, to be alone?

When you walk into a room,” he said softly, “the air changes.

Never," he spat out, "kick a man who is pointing a gun at you.

It was the one dream he'd never permitted himself to consider.

You always get more respect when you don't have a happy ending.

No man of any intelligence would pretend to know a female mind.

No one knows as well as I how much nonsense is printed in books.

I didn't think I should die but I did not know how I would Live.

And so Harry became proficient in the task of cleaning up vomit.

To say that men can be bullheaded would be insulting to the bull.

Nothing like trapping the gentlemen where they couldn't get away.

He loved her. He wanted her. He needed her. And he needed her now.

Watch over Honoria, will you? See that she doesn’t marry an idiot.

That was very rude of me.” “Think nothing of it. You’ve done worse.

I vow to spend the rest of my life keeping your hands and feet warm.

It was one of those things that had to be experienced to be understood

Olivia: You didn't even know I was there! Harry: Excuse me, yes I did.

She was petite, small in that way that made a man want to slay dragons.

But looking beautiful isn't, I think, as important as feeling beautiful.

Elizabeth, you resemble nothing so much as a hen trying to hatch a book.

I can't rave enough about Eloisa James. I'm simply in awe of her talent.

I can imagine no greater bliss than to lie about, reading novels all day.

Sometimes Hen...I think I would give my life just for one of your smiles.

Love is blind,” Harriet quipped. “But not illiterate,” Elizabeth retorted.

Every unmarried man is looking for a wife. They just don't always know it.

Happy endings are all I can do. I wouldn't know how to write anything else.

Men are sheep. Where one goes, the rest will soon follow. -Lady Whistledown

In her heart she longed for this man, dreamed of a life that could never be.

To call that writing, madam, is an insult to quills and ink across the world.

It's only through sheer force and luck that she's yet to take over the world.

It's the curse of motherhood. You're required to love us even when we vex you.

Men. The day they learned to admit to a mistake was the day they became women.

Am I not allowed to have my pride? Or is that an emotion reserved for the elite?

I'm not a gentle pony... I promise you, you will have to work to keep your seat.

Do I look like a mess?” she asked. He nodded. “But you’re my mess,” he whispered.

I would give the world to have one more person for whom I would lay down my life.

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