I guess I'd love to play Storm in 'X-Men.'

I started watching 'Flash' and 'Supergirl.' I love them both.

I make damn good biscuits and gravy. The key is maple sausage.

I have struggled with anxiety and depression since I was a teenager.

I wanted to be an astronomer until I discovered I'm terrible at math.

It's tough to run fast and jump off roofs when your feet are freezing off!

All of the 'X-Men' characters really intrigue me. Wolverine is my favorite character.

I want to be able to do more of my own stunts and really be proficient with my weapons.

I think the physicality of being an athlete or working out, it grounds you. It centers you.

I was always an athlete; my grandfather and my dad are basketball players, and I played sports my whole life.

You can't be upset for someone's loyalty to a character. As an actor, that's a gift to see fans care that much.

There's something about the comic book genre that I think is so cool and artsy and unique. It's not like anything else.

It's just so fun to wake up in the morning and have new muscles on your body. It does make you feel like a bigger, better version of yourself.

I think the makeup and the effects that I saw on 'The Walking Dead,' I'd never seen anything like that in my life. Those guys are just geniuses.

Funny enough, the first time I watched 'Arrow' was because Audrey Marie Anderson, who plays Lyla, was in my episodes of 'The Walking Dead' with me.

Any time there's a wedge or a secret put between two people in a group, it's an obstacle - but there's also a chance to get over it and become closer.

The cool thing about superheroes is that they all have these very human roots, and that brings them all together and makes them all the same, in a way.

I joke, but I'm sort of serious: I've always wanted to get into a fight. I know that sounds horrible, but I always had the desire to see what it's like.

I am extremely passionate about animal rescue. My focused interest is in helping pit bulls and other bully breeds that have been given an unfair stigma.

The cast of 'Arrow' is truly one of the greatest groups of people I've ever met. Every single one of them is kind, funny, loving, and talented beyond belief.

When I auditioned for The Black Canary, I only knew I was reading for a new recruit on team 'Arrow.' It wasn't until I'd booked the role that they told me who I'd be playing.

I've been a fan of comics, but I've never been, like, a diehard: like, I've never really owned a bunch of comics or anything. But I've always been drawn to them and read them.

It sounds weird... the #MeToo movement is positive because obviously it's based on a lot of pain and horrible things that happen to women. But what comes out of knowing about it and talking about it is positive.

One of the things that has been the most beneficial for me in real life is that I've been able to really become stronger physically, and so I try to get to the gym at least - while I'm working, it's hard sometimes.

I did two episodes of 'The Walking Dead,' and it was enough to have time to get in there and really get the meat of it, but also then move on and take that experience and bring it into the next one. It was a great stepping stone.

A couple months before I got the audition for 'Arrow,' my husband and I had just sold everything we owned, packed our dogs and belongings into a truck, and moved to Los Angles with a prayer and almost no money. When I ended up booking the role, we both cried from joy and gratitude for a week straight.

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