Friends are the best therapy.

I love chips and salsa. Guacamole.

I cannot go to sleep without reading.

Adrenaline is the reason I do what I do.

I've always wanted to sing country music.

I'm so lucky that I have a great relationship.

Dancing and acting satisfy me in different ways.

I'm one of those people that loves to try everything.

I'm very blessed and I don't take anything for granted.

I had a hard time with bullying. I ate lunch in the bathroom.

I've always wanted to be like the Hollywood Golden Age actors.

I'm a huge fan of dance cardio because it goes by really quick.

My go-to prebikini flat-ab move is the plank, all different types.

I feel sexy when I'm taking care of myself and not depriving myself.

When you dance on your own there is something so magical and so special.

I think it's important to be happy before you can make anybody else happy.

Well, what I love about '80s rock music is the amazing, fantastic melodies.

I'd get invited to parties, and instead it would be these abandoned houses.

I figured out if I have a good goal in mind, then I can actually achieve it.

It's the oddest match: Mary J. Blige and Julianne Hough! But we became so close.

Acting is like free therapy! Trying to make people laugh or cry can be inspiring.

My first dance ever on 'Dancing With the Stars' was to 'Let's Hear it for the Boy.'

One of my mantras is if I'm scared to do something, that means that I have to do it.

I think at the end of the day you have to find a balance with what's really important.

I've experienced a lot for someone my age that a lot of people will be able to relate to.

I'm a huge fan of just keeping a healthy lifestyle. For your body but for your mind, also.

My favorite way to dance is being swept off my feet by somebody who doesn't know how to dance.

But trust me, if I lived in the '80s, I would definitely be the one going to the record stores.

I've grown up with country music. I love how real everybody is, not just the artists, but the fans.

Even if you're a guy and you don't believe in dancing, you should try dance cardio. It's really fun!

If I had been living through the '80s, I probably would've gotten into a lot more trouble than my parents.

I may not be as active in it as some people are, but I think that the church has taught me great life lessons.

I'm just taking it one day at a time. Actually, that's a total lie. I always think about what's in front of me.

I think if you alienate people and just focus on your work then it just becomes lonely and it's not fun anymore.

Take your time. Some of these fad diets and quick fixes, they might be quick, but you're going to crash and burn.

I keep saying this about a mental state, but the more that I am physically active, the more that my mind is clear.

It's scary to take risks and it's scary to get out of your comfort zone, but it's also the most rewarding when you do.

If I'm like, 'Oh, this is not something that I want to do,' that means I have to do it. That's always a good motivation.

I absolutely love Italian food. So pizza - like a margherita pizza, penne arbiota, a glass of wine. That's like my dream.

I love to swim. I need goggles. If I don't have goggles I run in to the walls of the pool. I have no sense of directions.

I've been acting my whole life, which people don't realize. I just haven't had the opportunities that I've had with my dancing.

'Grease' is one of the movies that made me want to be an entertainer, and I have literally been waiting my whole life to play Sandy.

I love fantasy. I love thrillers. I love action. I'm all over the place. As long as the story and characters are good, I'll love it.

I definitely listened to country music. I don't think I listened to hair bands as much as I did Bruce Springsteen and U2 and Aerosmith.

I always tweet about where we're at. Since I'm performing at amphitheaters, I'll try to run up and down the stairs and across the field.

There was a time when my mum would sew costumes for the dance studio so we could keep doing our classes because we couldn't afford them.

There is something so rewarding about dancing. It's almost spiritual - you let loose, you feel free, you get endorphins from the exercise.

I'm really loving acting. I want this as a career. I'll still write music and collaborate with people, but I'm focused on the acting path.

I definitely am the kind of person that fluctuates up and down. I work really hard for a certain project and then I'm like, 'Oh, I'm done.'

You have to remember where you came from, and I definitely have enough brothers and sisters to kick me in the butt whenever I get out of line!

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