I love going to Scotland.

Men aren't asked about their children.

The one thing that kids need is consistency.

Green screen's not my favourite thing to do.

I'm older than I was before when I was young.

Parenthood is a very, very intense experience.

I can't wait to get home and wash all those socks.

'Safe' was a script that I read and flipped out for.

Frankly, acting doesn't scare me because I really enjoy it.

I've always been somebody who's acutely aware of my mortality.

Sarah Palin's real quality is that she is her own best creation.

When I go to a movie and can't figure it out, I'm just thrilled.

In my opinion, you don't get to have privacy when you're only 16!

The audience doesn't come to see you, they come to see themselves.

Like Ivan [Reitman] has said, there's a lot that a life encompasses.

People with Alzheimer's deserve to be seen, so that we can find a cure!

If I had to choose between clothes and furniture, I'd choose furniture.

Too much makeup on an older woman can really make you look like a freak.

I'm not supposed to communicate something that's completely unrealistic.

Ever since there's been a Hollywood, they remake a movie every 20 years.

When I was growing up, the place I felt least alone was when I was reading.

Life is full of compromises, and whether or not you're willing to negotiate.

Art is an expression of who we are, what we believe, and what we dream about.

You have to be in yourself, but engage with the world and see what's going on.

I think everybody has had emotional distress, but yes, I think I'm pretty stable.

I'm not someone who is driven by big external stories. I like big emotional stories.

The worst thing you could do is scare a kid or trick them. Never, ever, ever do that.

When you become a parent, you finally appreciate and understand what your mother did.

Loving someone is giving them the power to break your heart, but trusting them not to.

I like that sense of family in my workplace, having the same pair of eyes to look into.

What gives you pleasure and joy? Let those be the things that lead you forward in life.

When the computer and tablets are all about playing games, thats not interesting to me.

When the computer and tablets are all about playing games, that's not interesting to me.

I think every part's a challenge, and you also never know if you're going to pull it off.

Well, you know, I mean, she was so wonderful, and she really played the role to perfection.

I'm at the mercy of others because I'm not a director. I'm not a producer. I'm not a writer.

My mother was from Scotland and had very fair skin... she wouldn't allow us to go in the sun.

I'm looking for the truth. The audience doesn't come to see you, they come to see themselves.

Jennifer Lawrence is so talented and so lovely. She has a real ability to connect with people.

You'd have to spend a lot of time with me before I'd be comfortable enough to show my dark side.

I hope this brings someone else the courage they need to face whatever challenge is before them.

I love my kids with all my heart and the last thing I want to worry about is the air they breathe.

We didn't have a lot of money growing up, so my mom didn't buy a lot of extras, like sweet things.

Every modern woman shops everywhere for beauty, but for me it's mostly the airport or the drugstore.

When you have children, you don't have downtime, but I have a family life that is rich and fulfiling.

I do love my work. As an actor, you live from job to job, though, and you have to be prepared for that.

If you're reading IMDB, half of it's made up. You can't trust it or Wikipedia, which is just lies, lies!

We impose order and narrative on everything in order to understand it. Otherwise, there's nothing but chaos.

Comedy is ridiculously hard. And if the rhythm is not right, if the music or the line is not right, it's not funny.

Really, you want to have variety as an actor. If you spend your career doing one thing solidly, people get burned out.

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