Baby, you are gonna miss that plane.

Reality and love are almost contradictory for me.

The condition of being an actress can be unbearable.

I talk a lot. I express a lot of my feelings verbally.

I think I do find humor in disorder, and reality is disorder.

Isn't everything we do in life a way to be loved a little more?

Maybe I'm a bit of a psycho-but I'd rather be psycho than boring.

To make what you have in your head, I think that's what directing is.

People have their faults, but it doesn't prevent you from loving them.

I find most films about fashion terrible because they are caricaturish.

I learned directing by editing because I saw all the mistakes I had made.

If Woody Allen called me, I'd be there straight away. Who wouldn't? Truly.

I think some people, when they get a certain ego, they lose sense of whatever.

I want to be positive and say: everything I've written will get made eventually.

I went to film school to make films just because you're in control of the story.

I'm quite neurotic, usually. But when it comes to work, I become extremely focused.

Usually I'm able to imagine something and it comes out as I imagined, more or less.

I avoid confrontation. When I'm on set I never snap at anyone. I don't have a temper.

I'm a very independent person, I love being alone, writing and doing music and stuff.

You can never replace anyone because everyone is made up of such beautiful specific details.

I think it's obsessions that a lot of people share, but they don't dare to talk about openly.

Maybe every family is dysfunctional, and that's the only thing in common throughout the world.

And I realized that directing actors is really important because that's what ends up on screen.

My experience is that relationships can be difficult, hard work. I love to be in a relationship.

I can't really explain the feeling of acting. It makes you the most insecure you can possibly be.

People around you that you feel you're close to, are they really wishing you good things, you know?

I like doing sequels. Basically, I think it's a fun thing to follow characters in time. In real time.

The people that are succeeding have often had a mentor of some kind. I think it makes a huge difference.

I'm dreaming about making movies for eight weeks, because it's a luxury. But time is money. That's the reality.

It's easier for Europeans to give money to a movie that says a blow job is what brought down American democracy.

I definitely didn't fit in perfectly to the school system. I was raised with such freedom of speech and thinking.

I sometimes wish I were African American because people don't bash them afterward. It's the hardest to be a woman.

My therapist in Paris once told me that being creative is a better form of therapy for me than sitting on his couch.

The camera can move, you can make the shots, blah blah blah, but as long as the actors are good, you have something.

It's a typical story: you think of something, it stays in the back of your head for a while, and then you finally do it.

When you're an actress, you become this thing in people's hands that people are trying to manipulate. I cannot stand it.

People think women directors are tough. Truth is, I'm a pussycat and I hate conflict. I just want everyone to be happy on set.

I've directed five films and I've proven that people have made money with my films - many people have made money with my films.

Feminists is something people hate above all. Nothing worse than being a woman in this [movie] business. I really believe that.

I've proven that I'm not a complete failure. Every film has done well. It's like, "So, okay, when do I get my deal at Warner Bros?

Basically, editing is done in rehearsal and in the writing process and in the acting, so it's very, very tricky, very, very tricky.

I actually love Scorsese comedies. He's an underrated comedy director. I think his comedies are some of the best comedies ever made.

I put my films together in Europe and it kick-starts the financing when I'm attached as an actress. It makes it easier to move forward.

I always wanted to write a story about a couple coming to that moment in their relationship where either they keep on going or it ends.

Few years ago, I said something about the Academy being very white male, which is the reality, and I was slashed to pieces by the media.

The truth is I don't see a lot of movies. I see the Oscar films. I see the films that are sent to me and a few films throughout the year.

It's definitely easier for a woman to do a romantic comedy than a war movie. It's assumed a woman doesn't have a sense of what action is.

I was having this awful nightmare that I was 32. And then I woke up and I was 23. So relieved. And then I woke up for real, and I was 32.

I hate that whole Tarantino thing about beating up women and killing them and chopping up. Just because you have the mind of a 12 year old.

I was six years old when I saw my first Godard movie, eight when I first experienced Bergman. I wanted to be a director when I was fourteen.

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