I don't believe in coincidence.

I would say I'm humanly engaged.

I am not a woman staying at home.

I think I am pretty much melancholic.

Oh, I'll be forgotten too, don't worry.

For me, habit is just a synonym for death.

I'm very down-to-earth and accessible, I think.

Attraction is beyond our will or ideas sometimes.

I won't do something just for the sake of working.

My only ambition is to be true every moment I am living.

You must understand, I don't have to be happy to be happy.

What makes a person sexy is when he's not trying to be sexy.

What I love most about this crazy life is the adventure of it.

I'm not even aware of my success. Success is such an illusion.

My ambition is to have beautiful encounters, not to make money.

Movies are open doors, and at every door, I change character and life.

I never felt being an actor or making a movie was an easy thing to do.

As an actress, I think there is always a political consciousness there.

I would have loved to have met Marilyn Monroe and have dinner with her.

As an actress we don't beat one another. It's whoever's right for the part.

I was so happy when they cast me in Chocolat, because it's one of my vices.

I'm not obsessed by looks. I think you can become a prisoner of your own image.

It's never been my purpose to become an American icon, or more famous or richer.

Acting is like peeling an onion. You have to peel away each layer to reveal another.

Acting is a tough business, and you need to be in good shape mentally and physically.

When you make a film, it's a bet. You don't know how the film is going to be, anyway.

My aim was never to be an American star; otherwise, I would have moved to Los Angeles.

I really don't think that the Oscar changed my career much because I didn't want it to.

I wanted to work with people from the world, with different minds and different visions.

I think it's the same simple thing for everyone - to be happy, and have love in your life.

You make your own path as an actor. Nobody does it for you, so you have to invent yourself.

I love the unknown. I think because it brings fear, and to embrace fear is the best feeling.

I live for the present always. I accept this risk. I don't deny the past, but it's a page to turn.

People think actors have such glamorous lives, but the truth is actors go where nobody wants to go.

The best mother is the mother who adapts, and the best children are the children who adapt as well.

There was probably something as a child I wanted to express, something unsaid that I needed to share.

Being a famous actress may give you a sense of being important, but believe me, it's just an illusion.

I've been changed watching films or reading books or hearing music, and that helps you to live your life.

I am not a great French woman. George Sand, Marguerite Duras and Simone de Beauvoir are great French women.

When I won the Oscar, there was something telling me 'this isn't the truth'. I had to get back to real work.

I want to make films that are political and social. Films with a message or an idea. Films that dare to ask.

I like independence, I like creating my own world, not being in a system. There are more possibilities, I think.

When you really put your heart in the work, you don't think of how you look. And I think that's the beauty of it.

If you have everything, then you don't want to go on. It's the lacking that makes you search for something better.

I'm a fighter as a mother. I'm fighting to be a mother, but I cannot say no to my passion because it's me, as well.

I'm not a dancer, so I have to find a movement that belongs to me. I dance within my limits and with my imagination.

What I need is to express my passion for life... It's movement I'm interested in, the life in me, the life in humanity.

The strong is not the one who can put on the blades at a glance, and the one who is able to raise a smile from his knees!

I take care of myself because I'm an actress and I have to take care of my body as it's my tool in order to give in films.

You have to have the courage to wait, to say no, ... And thats difficult. This job is very uncertain, and its frightening.

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