I thrive on adversity.

I'm expressive and animated.

Music is kind of my everything.

I don't care about labels or anything.

It's only artists who can help artists.

It's not my nature to dominate and bully.

All the musicians that I know want to act.

I only wear SPF if I'm going to the beach.

Like everybody I have many different sides.

I kind of imagine myself at eighty, a cat lady.

I'm less of a straight-up, traditional vocalist.

I didn't build a career off my looks, thank God.

Some people can't connect with their own emotions.

I wear my heart on my sleeve. I have no poker face.

When I feel something, I feel it to the ninth power.

I can tell you I have dealt with mania my whole life.

My eyebrows are a mess. They're skinny; they're dodgy.

As early as when I was five or six I wanted to perform.

Adults are just children sometimes. But evil, hurt children.

Because I'm not perfect looking, I get to play better roles.

Success is a nice by-product but what I really want is work.

In my work, I'm always striving to be as honest as possible.

My main objective was finding my individuality as a vocalist.

All that schooling never prepares you for the reality of life.

My focus, my life, my world is now. You just can't plan the future.

I sort of got lucky in that I was able to carve a niche for myself.

Dreams, they're what sets us apart from being mere a brain and a body.

Sometimes I can be on a cloud and then two hours later feel really small.

As a teenager I was severely, cripplingly dramatic and in search of self.

The bravest thing I ever did was continuing my life when I wanted to die.

I never think I have success even when I have it, for better or for worse.

Leaving your home can be a fear at times. You gotta make yourself get out.

I used to be really insular, really introverted. I couldn't articulate myself.

I love the process of working with a filmmaker and the writers and the actors.

The worst thing you can do to a kid is tell them that their dreams are invalid.

There' s a duality in myself, and it's also what I try and instill in my roles.

I'm all for natural solutions. I'm for eastern philosophies. Yoga is a good one.

Rock'n'roll to me is a rebellion against the sterile pedestal culture of movies.

Being beautiful can be a curse, especially if you want to be an artist and create.

I'm actually very moral and nurturing, but I'm also adventurous. I am challenging.

I normally don't concern myself with, 'Will audiences like me or like my character?'

Not all detectives are the same - some play bad cop, some are awkward, some are funny.

Of course I grew up with the 'Vacation' movie with the legendary Anthony Michael Hall.

I hate dates. It becomes a weird auditioning process. And I've never had normal dating.

I have such a beautiful, strong family and friends, and they are like everything to me.

I knew I could live no other way, that the one thing I wanted was to act and do it well.

I've never really cared if I was famous for my music. It was just something I had to do.

My dad was lackadaisical on the discipline front. I dropped out of everything at school.

My first boyfriend was a surfer. We bonded over loving the sun, Depeche Mode, and The Cure.

I collect clothes-they keep building and building. I buy them instead of having them washed.

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