I'm a purple girl!

I want to be a legend.

My style is very spontaneous.

I'll always be a Brooklyn girl.

MAC always has the cool, funky products.

When it comes to lipstick and makeup, I love MAC.

Fashion has always been an important part of my life.

I'm not just a pretty face. I want to pursue something.

When you're in the limelight, you can't always lash out.

If I'm going to a fancy event, I try to be princess-like.

I would describe my style as sexy, cosy, chic street-wear.

I think the way I dress says I'm young and I'm living life.

I use Manic Panic to dye my hair. Sometimes I do it myself.

I'm a Virgo, so I'm a super hard lover. I fall in love so quickly!

When I was working on 'Everyday Living,' I was going through a breakup.

I used to sing SWV's 'Weak' every day when people would ask me to sing.

Sometimes there can be pressure to post, especially from your followers.

In terms of style, I'm really inspired by Foxy Brown and Naomi Campbell.

To me, being a black woman and being beautiful are not mutually exclusive.

Everyone has their own style. It's unique; no one person's style is wrong.

I like to mix the street look with classy and sexy. I call it 'hood chic.'

I believe I'm a unicorn. Unicorns are very magical and powerful and strong.

I'm more conscious about who I let into my heart, and I'm singing about it.

My family is from Flatbush, but I grew up in Fort Greene-Clinton Hill area.

When you're arguing with a fool, you're the fool for even going back and forth.

I want to build up the most hype around my album. I wouldn't just throw it away.

I surrounded myself with a lot of different creative people and ambitious people.

I love to glow, and it's important for me to have a good highlighter to brighten up.

You got to learn when to be the bigger person, especially in the entertainment business.

Every time I've been around Beyonce, I get so nervous that I forget how to speak English.

What inspires me is the relationships and situations I find myself in as I grow and learn.

I have three styles. One is my Hypebeast tomboy look, which is pretty much my everyday look.

Growing up, it was always a huge battle with my mom to let me color my hair or add extensions.

I'm obsessed with Minnie Riperton's voice: it's like a smooth river of ice cold strawberry milk.

As a young adult, we all go through things now on social media. It's a part of our everyday lives.

When I'm in L.A., I kind of go crazy in the middle of the night when it's, like, completely quiet.

For the most part, my daily attire is comfortable yet fashionable - I guess you can call it tomboyish.

People tend to not post when they're at their worst, but I try to be as open as I can be with my fans.

There's always competition in the world, but you don't have to be enemies. You can empower each other.

When the Rocawear team reached out and wanted to make me the face of La Belle Roc, I was super excited!

I've been through a heartbreak and seen the business side of the music industry. Now I see things clearer.

Music says the things that people don't say or are afraid to say, and that's the best part about it for me.

I never leave anywhere without my watch because it's a very special gift given to me by one of my managers.

Drake is a lyrical genius, and he's great with melodies, and Pharrell is an amazing producer and songwriter.

The first three years my hair was purple, I still was trying to convince myself that I hated the color purple.

When it comes to dance hall music, I definitely listened to a lot of Vybz Kartel growing up or Gyptian and Mavado.

I'm trying different things, and I'm comfortable with who I am and not afraid of showing my confidence through my style.

Even at my lowest point, when I've wanted to give up, I know that I have to believe in myself because I'm all that I have.

I'm hoping that people will love the music, but at the same time, the most important thing to me is that I love the music.

I just want to make great music. There's not a genre that I would categorize it as, but I want it to be true and authentic.

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