A lot of players think the game is all about individual performances when it's really all about a team game.

I think black Americans expect too much from individual black Americans in terms of changing the status quo.

I feel that there has been progress made since I was a boy on matters of race, but we have a long way to go.

Jackie Robinson, as an athlete and as someone who was trying to make a stand for equality, he was exemplary.

As brilliant an individual that Michael Jordan was, he was not successful until he got with a good team unit.

Yoga is somewhat hard to quantify in terms of benefits because you see them in all the injuries you don't get.

The transition was difficult. It's hard to stop something that you've enjoyed and that has been very rewarding.

Today's youth are told to get rich or die trying and they really shouldn't take that attitude forward with them.

Michael Jordan and Magic and myself all learned how to play the game in college programs that emphasized the team.

OK, I'll put it like this: I doubt if we will see another All-American basketball athlete who is a Rhodes Scholar.

Reporters used to ask me the same inane questions year-in and year-out, city-to-city, and it would drive me crazy.

When you're a coach you've got to go up the ladder, you've got to be ready to travel. That's the nature of coaching

Michael Jordan and Magic and myself, all learned how to play the game in college programs that emphasized the team.

During 1866 and 1922, Native Americans and black soldiers often intermingled in the American west, on the frontier.

My grandfather and my uncle both died from colorectal cancer, my dad almost died from it and I have the gene for it.

Culture and politics were inseparable [in the Sixties], which gave a soundtrack to political awareness and activism.

The disconnect lasted too long. I think people got the idea I was sullen and couldn't communicate, which wasn't true.

I think people that are, you know, voting in the blind are doing a disservice to America by not being better informed.

Five guys on the court working together can achieve more than five talented individuals who come and go as individuals.

Alexander Hamilton realized that warfare was part and parcel of human nature, and it's something we had to prepare for.

When I was a kid, no one would believe anything positive that you could say about black people. That's a terrible burden.

Justice should be blind especially color-blind and able to fairly deal with the very real need for honest law enforcement.

I was latching on to something that was part of my heritage, because many of the slaves who were brought here were Moslems.

Great players are willing to give up their own personal achievement for the achievement of the group. It enhances everybody.

I was just starting out acting [doing "Airplane"] and wanted to be taken as a professional, not as an athlete doing a cameo.

I feel that Dennis Rodman has become a problem. He will be more of a problem than an asset. Of course, he can prove me wrong.

There are rap groups that have a positive outlook in their art. These groups should be shown as an alternative to gangsta rap.

I have been coaching recently. I coached high school basketball in Arizona, and I hope that more opportunities become available.

I think someone should explain to the child that it's OK to make mistakes. That's how we learn. When we compete, we make mistakes.

If I hadn't become a professional basketball player, I would have become a history teacher. There's so much to learn from history.

I've kept in touch with many of my former teammates: Bob Marcucci was our team manager and we bonded over our passion for baseball.

Your best athletes might give basketball a try just when they think, geez, this might be something that pays off for me in the end.

People still cheat on their wives, that hasn't fallen out of fashion. We all speak of it badly, but it has not fallen out of fashion.

In a typical history book, black Americans are mentioned in the context of slavery or civil rights. There's so much more to the story.

I would suggest that teachers show their students concrete examples of the negative effects of the actions that gangsta rappers glorify.

I'm still my parent's child, I'm still me, but I made a choice. I evolved into Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. I think it has to do with evolution.

What I learned in my time isn't necessarily being taught now, and I'd like to help impart that knowledge to a new generation of players.

I'm not comfortable being preachy, but more people need to start spending as much time in the library as they do on the basketball court.

I think race has been a burden for black Americans. Being Muslim has also been a challenge because so many people do not understand Islam.

In athletics there's always been a willingness to cheat if it looks like you're not cheating. I think that's just a quirk of human nature.

He doesn't necessarily have to learn the sky hook. He just has to learn how to be an effective post player. I think I can help him do that.

You got guys now declaring they're ready to play pro ball in their second or third year of high school. It's crazy! They're missing so much.

I did a book in 1996, an overview of black history. In that process I became more aware of a lot of the black inventors of the 19th century.

You have to be able to center yourself, to let all of your emotions go... Don't ever forget that you play with your soul as well as your body.

I try to do the right thing at the right time. They may just be little things, but usually they make the difference between winning and losing.

Either because I was an athlete or because I was black - probably both - there seemed to be a clear assumption that I wouldn't be up to the work.

My mother had to send me to the movies with my birth certificate, so that I wouldn't have to pay the extra fifty cents that the adults had to pay.

I had a moment like that with Wilt (Chamberlain). He knocked me out of bounds, I came back and faked him, came across the middle and dunked on him.

For me, the bold jazz of John Coltrane and Miles Davis reflected the bold attitude in African-Americans finding their political identity and voice.

Lakers were able to maintain a certain level of talent and success and so were the Celtics. So after awhile it became part of people's sports lore...

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