My health is fine.

Practices were tough.

Well, I'm a professional.

Yoga is just good for you.

I wanted to play baseball!

I enjoy seeing new places.

One man cannot make a team.

I'm not going to disappear.

My biggest resource is my mind.

I'm the baddest among the bad guys.

I pitched and I played the outfield.

Islam is about finding your own space.

Center is a very tough position to play.

I listen to jazz mainly. Mainstream jazz.

You can't win if you don't play as a unit.

If not shown appreciation, it gets to you.

You can't win unless you learn how to lose.

Your mind is what makes everything else work.

I think Kwame will be an asset to the Lakers.

You play with your soul as well as your body.

I think I really benefited from going to college.

I totally alienated some reporters as I retreated.

Music is really something that makes people whole.

I hope to be involved in a successful movie script.

When the doctor told me I had cancer, I was scared.

I rooted for the Dodgers when they were in Brooklyn.

More whites believe in ghosts than believe in racism.

I was a baseball fan myself, I wanted to play baseball.

I just like seeing the world, and it doesn't matter where.

The game has basically not changed since I ended my career.

You're never really cancer-free and I should have known that.

If ISIS represents Islam, then the KKK represents Christianity

I expect more people from China and Asia to end up in the NBA.

I think the NBA will certainly survive without Michael Jordan.

Cancer is a scary thing and you have to deal with it seriously.

I think I did very well against everyone who tried to defend me.

Initially when I stopped playing, I had accumulated some burnout.

We don't have selfish guys here, which sometimes leads to problems.

After practice, I would have to go back to the dorm and take a nap.

In the Western standards of modesty, there are different guidelines.

My most memorable moment came in 1985 as we beat the Boston Celtics.

Good thoughts are no better than good dreams, unless they are executed.

The extra pass and the extra effort on defense always get the job done.

I don't know if I was the baddest. People kind of saw me in that light.

I feel like I've always been a full-time historian, but nobody knows it.

Ignorance is not something that lends itself to a meaningful discussion.

Video games just can't compare with the variety and intensity of reading.

I have to say I have an incredible musical education because of my father.

The 3-point shot has created a situation in the game akin to 'Lotto' fever.

I saw Islam as the correct way to live, and I chose to try to live that way.

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